Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm trying to look positively at this stimulus bill that was shoved through Congress today. How many congressmen do you think read all 1,000 pages between 11:00 last night and when the vote was called today? ... We are now a Socialist nation. Down with the Republic. Redistribute the wealth. Hey wait! There is no way to get something positive out of that! We are doomed.

Examine history. How long did it take nations to go down the tubes once the people all decided they deserved the same as everyone else, no matter what they produced? Forget it. Don't study it. You'll just be depressed. Either learn to live in LaLa Land, or get out the vote for a new congress.

Wake up kids before it is too late. If you want to amount to anything when you graduate, work hard. Run for office. Politicians are now above the proletariat ( that's the rest of us) . Don't blame me. I told you so.