Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Soda and Lime

For years after I gave up Coke, my favorite drink was soda and lime.  I gradually got away from that and now my favorite is ice water with lemon.  However last week I had a soda and lime.  It is good, but I'll stick with the plain stuff.

It was good to see Caleb with a lime.  I love that he is just like his daddy was when he was little.  He would try anything and like it.  That lasted until he went to school.  I don't know why, but he got more picky.

Look at Caleb's smile!  I think he likes that green citrus.  I'll have to buy one for him to share with his cousins when he is here.

How does one segway from limes to bombs?  I don't know but there are lots of claims out  that Iran now has a nuclear bomb and plans to test it sometime this year. Of course, evidently our administration is not worried  or it  would have never released any of our  oil reserves.

Does it seems strange to you that a government would require all citizens to prove they are insured; but it will not make sure all  are citizens?  In other words, one could vote without showing some identification, but they must prove they are insured.  Doesn't it make sense in that case to require an insurance confirmation to vote?

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