Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Greenfield Village Covered Bridge

How would you expect a Model T to cross a river?  On a covered bridge of course.  And here it is in a beautiful section of Greenfield Village. If you double click on the third small picture, you will see the side of the bridge and a surprising school of large gold fish that have just passed under it.  We also saw two  geese on the bank of the river that were acting strangely.  At least it seemed weird to us, so much so that we stood there watching them for a quite a while until they started chasing each other and biting necks in our direction.  When they kept approaching until they were 'dangerously' near, we jumped to the side.  We still don't know what it was about, but at least we were not casualties.  :)   

We had eaten such large breakfasts that morning that Barb decided that the four of us could share two packs of crackers she had left over from our dinner the night before. So we sat on a bench near the water and savored our saltines.  And that was really enough until  Ron remembered a custard stand we had passed earlier.  Naturally there was no stopping him then and we all went along and 'forced' ourselves to eat large cones of frozen custard.

Sometimes we just have to force ourselves to do something or other.  A few days lately, I've had to make myself  have a positive  outlook.  Everything looks so bleak.  But we must have faith that God will do what is best for this country.  If He feels it has gone past the point of return, He certainly has the right and the power to take care of that.    

God's presence doesn't mean that things will always go smoothly. Christians don't walk around with protective plastic bubbles surrounding them. We experience cancer; we endure sorrow and heartache; we fail in business. God's promise, however, is that He will continue to walk with us and be faithful to us even in our sorrows or failures. His company will bring you comfort that will exceed your understanding (Phil. 4:7).
Be assured that as God was with Moses and Joshua, He is with you as well. Jesus promised, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20). Whatever difficulties you face, you will not have to face them alone. He will never, no never, fail you nor forsake you. That's His promise to you.
Only God can say never--and really mean it.
[from Back to the Bible]

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