Saturday, February 18, 2012

Muddy Shoes

At this time, I still don't know if Caleb's shoes were muddy before or after the puddle. I can always change the journaling if necessary.  Whatever way it was, I would guess he has never had muddy shoes least not that muddy!  But then of course, does anyone know a two year old boy who would avoid the mud?  This is other than his father, who was not the typical bug and dirt loving kid.

Looks like several have gotten their feet muddy during this election process so far.  None seem to be just the perfect conservative candidate and therefore none has gotten a lead that  would make people think that one or the other will come far enough to the top to actually be the nominee this August. There is talk of a brokered convention.

As much as I like Rick Santorum, a wonderful,  Christian man, he  doesn't seem to be the fiscal conservative  I'd prefer. I tend to compare him with Huckabee.  I would hope they can come up with a  man who is both a godly man and is constantly  a fiscal  conservative.

There are some names popping up, but it is nothing but speculation presently, with most who've been named having already said they would not run for president.

It's our job right now to continue praying that God will work this out to the advantage of our 'Christian  nation'.

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