Tuesday, September 3, 2013


There are certain things Maggie must do in the morning. I would name them, but I would only bore you.  However, they are very important to Maggie. This is one part of her daily routine...sitting  on t his footstool while I sit on the big chair with my iPhone playing Scrabble and Words  with Friends. It is a perfect perch. She stares for long periods of time. At first I wondered at what she was looking, but they I realized it is the sun sparkling on the lake.  She is also in a position here to see her daddy return from the Y.  She has been doing this every day for quite some time. Today, she jumped down from the stool all by herself for the first time.  She did it without fear.

God told us to have no fear for He will take care of us.  That does not mean  we will not suffer, but that
all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. I'm trying to keep a good positive attitude these days as we wait to see if we are going to war...to a war that could very well be World War III.

We are quite happy to have my cousin Lonnie staying with us tonight. It is sad though that the reason for his visit is to handle the affairs of his brother, my younger cousin Eddie...or Lloyd as he was called as an adult.  We believe Eddie  passed away during the night..at first we heard it was in his sleep, but now we've been told he was found face down on the kitchen floor.  It was easier for me to believe that he had a peaceful passing in his sleep.

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