Friday, November 8, 2013

Art Class

Caleb takes all his work seriously. I love to see the look on his face when he is concentrating on a task at hand. We should all care so much about how well we are doing things.

We should especially take an interest in our vote. We not only have a right to vote; We have an obligation. And with that right is the responsibility to know what we are doing. We must never again elect a man or woman to any office whom we have found to be anti-American.   We can't take the journalists word for anything. They are indoctrinated themselves in schools that teach journalism.  We must either study to know candidates pasts, for their past will indicate their future paths, or stay home from the polls.

I recommend we go back to one voting day, where there is not so much opportunity to drive 'voters' from poll to poll for multiple voting. There is so much cheating at the ballot box these days.  Some times I'm surprised that the good guys are given any votes at all.

While we are looking ahead to the next election, we need to check out this man for the presidential office: Ben Carson, Dr. Ben Carson. As of right now, I would choose him over all I've read about who are interested in doing something for our nation.  

He has a new book out that each one of should decide whether or not we would want him in the White House. It is America the Beautiful, Rediscovering what made this nation great.
It is already  a New York Times best seller.

I've been totally impressed by the man so far. I will keep reading. For I want to see the very best candidate this next time. We do not need anyone like Hillary Clinton in the White House. If you haven't read about her. Please do...and read those on both sides of the fence before you make any decisions.

May the God of creation bless us once again with freedom to do his will..

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