Monday, August 15, 2016

I Am?

I love the expression on Julia's face.  This photo was taken the day that  Lebron James with the Cavs won the championship against the Golden State Warriors.  I put this photo of her on FaceBook with her  comment..."WOW! I've been waiting for this my whole life.."  She was 3 months old at the time.  I would have used that comment on this layout, except I couldn't bring myself to mix that darling little dress with the Cavs uniform.  It just didn't seem right.;)

I'm sure she was shocked to find out she is a princess as well.  Of course these days, all little girls are told they are. It is really hard to meet all their expectations once they grow up with that idea.

I'm hoping that our Julia will be enough like her mother and her brothers that she can enjoy worms and similar things.

One needs to be a little tough in this world that teaches everyone to be offended at the drop of a hat. What is the purpose of that?  PC of  course. Teaching children that you must be careful with what you say and never say anything that someone might not want to hear. It is a way to thwart freedom of speech.

I am not advocating mean spirited speech, but this thing has gone much too far with people being offended if they call a baseball team, the Indians... Come on!!! How crazy can one get?

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