Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Easter Egg Hunt

Somehow, I forgot to post last night. However I did this morning, so if you checked for it last night, you may have missed my post this morning about Oliver. 

Finally, I'm getting to Caleb. I love his big smile showing his new teeth growing into place. I have several really good pictures like this one taken on Easter Sunday in their own backyard.

They got a little practice  run the day before at a city park, so Julia got the hang of it better on Easter Sunday. If you remember, she seemed a little puzzled by the whole thing the day before.

I love Caleb's smiles. He is the king of smiles, if you ask me.

By the way, Caleb is doing very well with his soccer team this season. The other day, he played defense and no one was able to score against him. He also scored twice himself. Takes after his maternal grandfather with his sporting ability...and his mom as well. He certainly didn't get it from our side of the family.

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