Friday, November 10, 2017

Princess Pedicure

I like all the fall colors I've been posting and could go on and on with them, but I just had to throw this on this blog.

Everyone likes a good pedicure, at least I know I do. It is a wonderfully relaxing time and the results are quite pretty. I can hardly imagine a little one being this fortunate. Ava and her mother are enjoying this special blessing together.

Well that is all for tonight. I had trouble with our internet last night and just got it least if this is actually published it is fixed. It is the layout I tried to put here last night.

I has not been a good day because of that computer trouble piled on top of an already overloaded week, seeing no pause for at least the next four days. I'm nearly braindead and on the way to bed for a much needed rest. 

God bless you all. Don't forget our veterans. 

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