Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Choosing Joy with Jane Drummond

Our church ladies  have had some very inspiring  Ladies' Retreats starting in 1975. Some of my favorite were held at a local National Park and lasted two days, so we slept in the park facilities. I'll never forget those times that knit us closely together with our Christian sisters.

Over all those years, we generally hired a speaker from outside our midst, usually from another state. However, I don't remember a speaker who moved us like Jane Drummond did this year. 
She is one of our own and one who has spoken in other locations, mostly at marriage encounters.

This time, her serious subject paired with her sincerity and humor really got the point across that she wanted to make about joy.  Joy is what God wants us to have, not just happiness. Happiness is based on the right circumstances; but joy is a choice and can be held through whatever the world throws at us.  I wish all of you could some day hear her talk. Again,  It is the best I've heard.

By the way I must tell you that Jane and I are both members of the group ORU that  you've most likely heard of  right here on this blog.

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