Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Playing Catch Up

I'm hoping for warm weather, but still thinking  cold. I have lots of cold weather pictures for layouts.
One would think I would have caught up with this pandemic keeping me home, but time just keeps flying by. That is a good thing. Otherwise I might mind being confined to home.

It really doesn't seem like it has been three weeks since this pandemic started affecting us here in northeastern, OH. but it started for me on March 23, when I went to Sam's Club for my weekly visit and there were a million people there with baskets piled high and several tiles of bare shelves.

I'm sure you've 'heard' that before. I'll never forget.

Back to my scrapbooking. It is not getting done as quickly as it once was.  So here are the kids back on new year's day 2020.

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