Monday, February 21, 2011

Tire City

I just returned from a brief trip to Florida. I loved it there on Sanibel Island. Nature rules and it certainly is gorgeous and interesting. Haven't had time to make a layout, so I'm going back to my childhood album again for today's blog.

Do you remember pin curls?  Well I do. My mom had naturally curly hair and didn't know what in the world to do with mine, which was wavy, But to her it needed more.  She would painstakingly wind those little rings all over my head at times.  Here I am out in my aunt Arlie's front yard, for anyone to see who passed that day, with those tightly pinned curls. 

 Our new home, Akron, Ohio was called Tire City in those days before the unions drove the rubber industry south to find more reasonable laborers.   I was playing with a tire. I don't know whether it was old or new, but I do remember how dirty they were. At one time, I had a tire swing.  They made my hands black. 

I can't imagine the scrubbing that went on before my clothes were thrown into the washer.  I remember having a wringer type washer at home. Wish I had  a picture of it to put here.  If you are too young to have seen one, you would laugh at how primitive things were at that time.

When I look back at some of these times, I really understand how very old I am, regardless of how I feel.  So much has transpired since I entered this world.

Thank you God that I have lived to enjoy those times and all the progress we have made.  Help us to recuperate from the backward slide we are taking and once again become a nation of progress... progress that betters the world you gave us.

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