Friday, June 30, 2017

Fly Catchers

Caleb is so very speedy. His reactions are great, so great in fact that he can catch flies in flight.

We have his cousins, our  teen aged triplet grandchildren here tonight. We are staying up late, but I'm tired. Hope  to have more to say  tomorrow night. Not that I don't have a lot to say is just that my brain is not fully in tune with my typing fingers.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Last week at this time when this picture was taken, John was out of the country and Beth had to entertain the boys and Julia all day...actually that is her life with little children. She does a great job with them. Where they live in Colorado, there are lots of activities for learning all around them...and she takes advantage of many of them. They are an active bunch.  

On this Wednesday, Caleb was at a bike camp. Oliver, Julia and Beth were waiting for him to be finished. 

I love the sweet smiles here. It is a very special picture.

Well it seems that the Democrat  Party is starting to see the light. They are seeing our past president for what he is, someone who is a rich, entitled type of man. They have for some time disliked Hillary and her scandalous behavior. Now CNN is showing itself to be so completely biased that one can not count on their 'news' reports.

It's sad in a way, but it is good that people can actually see what is happening now. I pray as these things come to light, that people will find true information and make wise decisions for themselves. 

Father, please help us all see what you would have us to do. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Might as Well Make the Best of It

These two guys from our Life Group, Ron and Al, have 'breakfast' together every Wednesday.  Tomorrow, they are both going to their masseuse , Al right before Ron.  I would really start to worry about them, if I didn't know for sure they have their heads on straight. At least I think they do. Ron is my husband.
One more crazy thing, they showed up for breakfast last Wednesday with matching shirts, same manufacturer even. I would guess that they had gone shopping together, had I not bought Ron's shirt myself.

While some guys might have gotten a little embarrassed by this...they just made the best of it. We all got a good laugh when this picture showed up in our inboxes. And I just had to document it for my next others can enjoy their blunder with a good laugh.

May God bless you all with sweet sleep.

Monday, June 26, 2017

There is a Difference

Do you know what I'm getting at here? I'm not sure that Julia is concerned about the mess, but generally speaking, little girls are neater than are the boys.  Yes, I realize this is not always the case...and those of you who believe there really are no differences in the sexes, I apologize, but I beg to differ with you.  God made first the male and then the female. He made them so that they make good pairs. They compliment one another.

Back to my subject. Here is Julia. She is a little girl, she has made a mess. I say it is more likely she would be upset by that fact than would be a boy, who would probably get along fine with a mess. It wouldn't bother him so much.  Of course, I'm weighing in the fact that Oliver is 2 years older than Julia and has the skills, agility, needed to keep that food off his nose. But he thinks it is cute. 

I, as a gramma, tend to think it is cute as well, especially since I have this picture showing him so happy.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Lauren and CrossFit

Here is Lauren, our special granddaughter who is still big time into CrossFit.  She is with her friend, Lindsay. They not only build strength, but they have a lot of fun doing it. I cannot even imagine carrying a friend on my back like they are doing here....of course I can't imagine lifting those dead weights either.  Go girls. 

While these pictures were taken earlier this month, today is Lauren's birthday. As I get older special days fly past, some times without me even noticing. I was able to catch this one though, by seeing it on FaceBook. I bet you wonder how I have time to check that site, since there is so little time in my days at this age. How does that happen. I seem to miss whole days. Here we are near the end of June and I'm barely passed March. How does that work? Perhaps if I had kept as active as Lauren all these years, my brain would have been more active now.  I wonder if anyone has done a study on that.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Japanese Anime Devotee

It may be an understatement to say that Ashley likes anime. She is so involved that she goes to anime Expos quite often. She really likes to cosplay. They dress like anime characters and do a little acting as well, if I understand that right.

Above, she and her mother  have put together a costume so that she looks very much like Shippo from InuYasha. The anime gathering is in Nashville this time, so she doesn't have far to go.

I don't have far to go this evening. I'm failing fast and will claim some of that good sleep the lord has promised for those he loves.   An old saying, I hear my bed calling me, seems real to me tonight.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Future Champion

Caleb is 7 and a little short. He most certainly didn't get his sportsman ability from this side of the family. It is a God given talent that he takes after his maternal grandfather. This is the boy who learned to ride a two wheel bike sans training wheels earlier than anyone I've ever known. What was he two or three? I have it recorded in one of my books, thankfully, since my memory is not that great anymore. He has  super balancing one can see in his skiing.  

I wish these pictures were large enough for you to see the coach's expression. I am thinking he is seeing a future champ, a very good year for his team. 

Caleb is already a champ in my eyes.

Caleb has talent, but he also has drive. He will work hard for a team.

Each of us has our talents and struggles. No one can do it all. We need to learn to do our best with what we have.

Today, Max Lucado's newsletter is titled: God is Doing What's Best for Us. This is the text:
God is at work in each of us whether we know it or not, whether we want it or not. Lamentations 3:33 says, “He takes no pleasure in making life hard, in throwing roadblocks in the way.” He doesn’t delight in our sufferings, but He delights in our development. It’s what Paul pointed out in Philippians 1:6 when he wrote,  “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure He will continue until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.”
Don’t see your struggle as an interruption to life but as preparation for life. No one said the road would be easy or painless. But God will use this mess for something good. This trouble you are in isn’t punishment, it’s training. It is the normal experience of children. God is doing what’s best for us, training us to live God’s holy best!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Birthday Celebration

My 74th birthday was June 8, but ORU couldn't get together until the 19th. It didn't matter one bit. We had a great time. We had planned dinner and then a boat ride, but it turned cool and rainy. Sali had baked a scrumptious orange, pineapple cake. 

We'll just have to get together again for that ride on the lake. In the meantime, some will be traveling. 
We'll even have one in the hospital Thursday.  Together or apart, we are sisters at heart.

We miss our other sisters, Teresa, Jill and Kalai who have moved on to Texas, which seems to be a magnet for ORU members.

By the way, I must admit that I am the oldest of all the 'girls', and they won't let me forget it.
Oh, and I am the shortest as well.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

It's Summer!

I'm enjoying all the cool pictures I've been getting of the kids and their everyday activities.  

Even though it is not yet June 20, it is now summer in my school, high temperatures, and popsicles! 

As I write this, I'm thinking of Caleb's basketball game today and wondering if he showed off with his super shots again. 

Praying for my family, for those who are traveling, especially. Looking forward  to tomorrow and a lot of time to catch up at the computer. 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Poudre River Foot Bridge

Wonderful day here in Colorado for a hike. Julia is now trying to keep up with up with the boys.
It won't be long until she will be racing them. All three are go getters.

They are so blessed to have both a mother and a father who dearly love them and provide for their needs.

We are so glad to see them out in the sunshine on this beautiful day enjoying nature under the eye of our father in heaven. We are thankful for His protection day to day.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Julia and the Butterfly

At first, Julia just didn't know what to think of this butterfly. She did warm up a bit though.

I am thankful to see all the pictures. It makes it easier to live so far away.  That and FaceTime are very special to me.  

Well, tomorrow, we will be celebrating Father's Day.  I'm ready, thankfully. Hoping all of you will get a chance to acknowledge your love and respect for the father's in your life. They do play a very important  role, one that many children fail to see in their homes. 

Let's pray for those who do not have a father worthy of respect to lead them. I'm praying that God will protect them and possibly bring good role models into their lives.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Monarch Butterflies Everywhere

John and Beth took the kids to Gulley Greenhouse where they saw many butterflies. I think they may all be Monarchs. They seem to be everywhere. All three enjoyed them. It was interesting though trying to read Julia's thoughts as she peered at them. Something about her when she sees new things make me think she will be a good student. 

She reminds me of her dad when he was little. Some of our neighbors called him 'The Judge' because he was so serious. You'd never know it today. He has the family smile.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

It's 5 AM

I'm going back a couple of months for his one. I just found the picture hiding in my files and did the layout today. I haven't asked her mother if she has done this anymore since that day. I suspect she has not made a habit of jumping up so early in the mornings. I would have probably heard if she would have.

How many of you are early birds? I am definitely not. For sure, Ava did not take after me. I'm a night owl; but my husband is an early riser. It's almost as if we have two separate 'watches' at night. I keep the light on late at night, while he takes the early morning shift. Our dog has adopted my time schedule; however, she adds a mid day nap.

I wonder if it could have been a sleeping problem that caused the Chicago fellow to go whacko this morning. Not that is was instantly. This has been in the planning for quite some time. A lack of sleep probably added something to it at least. I doubt he slept well as the anger inside him grew.

When the Bible says, God gives those he loves sleep, it probably has something to do with those he loves learning to love instead of hate. Hatred eats at ones insides. It is very unsettling and upsetting to the body systems.

If you have trouble sleeping, you might try some positive, loving thinking. Try is and see if it helps.
We don't need any more disruptive people in the world.

In my opinion, love, in this case, is the answer.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

New Facial Product

Leave it  to Julia to come up with something new each time she finds a different, more interesting  food. This  time, she developed an avocado and sour cream facial mask. As you can see, she has already tested it and her skin is as smooth as a baby's. Looks like she has a hit. She plans to do her own ads and modeling. Now we just need to find some backing and a company to market it in large volumes.  We are sure it will be a hit.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Dry Ice Bubble

Caleb's friend, Colton had a science themed birthday party. I hope that idea catches on, if it has not already. It surely did  please Caleb, whose smile says he really liked making a bubble out of dry ice. It could only be held because of the heavy gloves. And Caleb, you look good in goggles!

We will be going to a funeral service for a good friend tomorrow, the second in four days. The Bible tells us life is but a vapor. That is right. This life is short. It is just a preparation for eternity. 

Friday, June 9, 2017

Double Celebration

Our Life Group gathers weekly for a meal, Bible study, prayer session and just to catch up on each other. We have a load of fun as well. Generally we bring a dessert treat if it is the week of our birthday. It doesn't always work out that way, but we try. This week, Ron and I both had birthdays, yesterday was mine and today, his. We didn't have to bring a dessert. I'm not sure why, but out of the goodness of her heart, Lin baked us a super good chocolate cake. Everyone was asking her secret. She also  bought two different kinds of ice cream. I loved the Moose Tracks. I think I gained 5 pounds, since she left enough for us to have another helping the next night as well. 

You may have guessed...I NEED to go on a diet. I'm confessing that here hoping that someone will hold me to it. I'm thinking about the Daniel diet since that one has worked well for me in the past. It is a healthy diet. It makes it easy to eat moderately, since there are no sugars to trigger inappropriate hunger.  

I just noticed this morning that Rick Warren has a new book called The Daniel Plan  40 Days to a Healthier Life. It includes other healthy advice besides the Daniel Diet. This is what Rick has to say about it: "A healthy lifestyle doesn’t just involve one or two areas of your life. It takes a more holistic approach – in your faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends." I'm ordering it, hoping to be inspired.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Julia's Happy Time

One might ask? What is that all over her face? Why is she so happy? I don't even need to know.
She is my youngest grand child and she is the prettiest, happiest little girl I know.  Of course.

All I need to know is, I love her. However, I do like to know the little details of her life. They tickle me sometimes. They show a path of healthy development, of a keen curiosity, of a strong body and mind, of bravery on a level with her brothers.  She is a  joy. And she can be messy, especially with food. Not sure it was because of the food all over her face or because her mom is taking her picture that dictated the big smile. I'm just very glad to see it.

And on another topic: Birthdays back to back. Mine is today. Actually as I write this, I was about ready to make my appearance at 11:35 PM.

Ron's is tomorrow. We plan to celebrate together with a special dinner, since today was filled with other things we really needed and wanted to do.

I need to get his presents wrapped, so I'm cutting this short...

Smile on, Julia. Gramma loves you and your brothers, who are also big smilers.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


This was Caleb's first day home after his operation. Recuperation is the priority. Not real easy for an active boy...but he can do it. Caleb, What do you have there? 

This doesn't have anything at all to do with the layout today. It was just interesting that in my email yesterday were two admonitions about anger and avoiding it.

I do not get angry with people. I will instead make excuses for their behavior  over and over. However, I get whacked out over computer problems, for example. I guess I should make excuses for them as well. I'm sure I could say, well, they are a product of people. God didn't design them, so we cannot expect them to be perfect. I should  do that, but...I'm praying for God to help me with that. It won't come easy.

Many people are just angry people for whatever reason. We need to be careful with them. The Bible in Proverbs 15:1 tells us, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  We need to be very careful with our response to their questions, so as not to set them off.

Now for those of us who get angry quickly, this Bible verse says it well: James 1:19b "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

Sit and think of it for a minute or so. Do you get 'mad' easily? Does it show in your actions? Or are you one who can defuse anger with a soft word or words? Anger does not produce good results.
But soft spoken words of love and wisdom go a long way.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Want a Friend, Be a Friend

As you may be able to tell by the background, the triplets and their friend did spend some time in the water while at the river beach. But most of the pictures, at least, were taken in the sand. The sand castle was a group effort and here they are posing with it. Making Happy Memories is what I like to see.

 I remember as a young person hearing, if you want a friend, be a friend. I feel that lots of people have missed out on that and live fairly lonely lives while wishing they had close friends. The younger one is she learns this, the better she will be. Of course that goes for males as well.

I read Rick Warren's newsletter this morning and it reminded me that :to have a friend, be a friend.  I'll try to shorten his instruction here so that perhaps you will get something from it as I did.

Rick made three statements to this affect that are good suggestions in making this happen.

Now for his three points:
1. Quit thinking about yourself. Focus on the needs of others. Look for specific ways you might help them.

2. Focus on your purpose.  You might ask, "What is my purpose?" I would say, your purpose is to do the will of God. Do what God wants you to do. He wants you to be like his son, Jesus.

3. Focus on supporting others.   Rick Warren says it this way, " Instead of thinking, "I'm so lonely," say, "Father, help me to be friend to people who need a friend. Help me to help lonely people." That's an effective antidote for loneliness.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Bokeh Boys

I get a kick out of this picture of John and his boys. They all look like models in these sunglasses. Beth found some new apps and was trying them out on her guys. This one came out exceedingly well. I don't know if two  different apps were used, but it looks as though they had the same sunglasses put on all three of the guys. I also has bokeh applied.

Making this layout was the high point of my day. It has been a long one already. So sad to say another of Ron's very close friends passed away today. Bob on Sunday and now Frank. The two friends did not know each other. They were both strong Christian men and we are exuberently happy for both of them. But they leave families that will miss them terribly. We are some who will mourn his passing, even though we know that will be well off seeing the Lord.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Blue Sky Happy Day

On May 26 the triplets were able to spend a day on the river beach near their home in Tennessee.
They were enjoying themselves with their new friend of Vietnamese decent, who goes by the name of Jay. This is proof that one doesn't have to be on the seashore to have lots of fun on the beach and in the water.

Glad to see these teens having fun. One hears too often today of those who are having  problems...not blue skies, but gray.

A couple of days ago, Max Lucado sent out an encouraging letter for those days when the sky is gray, you know on days when things are not good for you.

Max wrote:

"Whatever it is—you’ll get through this! You think you won’t. But we all do! We fear the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. We wonder, will this gray sky ever brighten? Will we ever exit this pit?
Yes! Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras— big, bold, and everywhere. Out of the lion’s den for Daniel, the prison for Peter, the whale’s belly for Jonah, the grave for Lazarus, and the shackles for Paul…God gets us through stuff! Through the wilderness, through the valley of the shadow of death– through is a favorite word of God’s! Isaiah 4:32 says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned…” You will get through this!"

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Thick Hair: A Curse or a Blessing

Chelle has hair like me, her mom. It is very thick. I'm hoping it is also like mine in that it holds its color well. That has saved me lots of money over the years because I do not have to color it. It  would have been very expensive because it grows so fast. I would have had to dye it at least every month to keep from having roots showing.  Of course, it is ok now to have different colored roots, even preferred at times, but it hasn't always been that way.

Chelle went in to have a hair cut May 17 and got a good thinning as well. You can see the large amount of fluff in the box.  (And you can see how much hair she still has.)

Less than a week later, I had my hair layered in order to get rid of the bush it had become. I always had it thinned when I was younger, but Sali, who does my hair does not like she seriously layered mine. Now I have  a head full of curly waves that are very independent strayers. It is quite interesting, especially when I just let it dry by itself, like I did yesterday.

I always  have considered the thickness and color of my hair a blessing. It is a good thing, because it gets harder and harder to find joy in everyday things these days...whether it be because of age of just the state of the world.

Tonight as we hear of more atrocities in England, I continue to pray for our country remembering God's promise in II Chronicles 7:14

14if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

56 Years Ago

Fifty six years ago, these ladies were classmates in high school, actually they were graduating.

Things were not the same as they are now, thank God.  We grew up in relative innocence,  some of us more protected than others. We've led relatively good lives and are still healthy enough to enjoy getting together.

Do we talk about old times? Yes, but not entirely. We pretty much live in the present. I'd say we are a fairly positive group. I consider them fun to be around...of course I am one of them, so I could be a bit prejudiced that way.

Collectively we have been on some interesting journeys, had some very cool experiences.

Most of us live within one hour of this particular der Dutchman. However, Beth drove from Michigan this morning to be here. She left at 5:30, proving that not all of us are night owls, even though some of us still are.

We are already looking forward to our next meeting, which should happen later this year, probably before time for icy roads.

I pray that all goes well for us and we are able to meet again...and again.