Sunday, February 24, 2019

Happy With Photo

I  don't know how many of  us there are who  hunger for pictures of our grown grandchildren the way I do.  I know they have very busy lives, so I understand. But, I surely would like to get more pictures of them.  This is the latest one  I came across of Lauren and  her  Pat. I absolutely love it and had lots of fun turning it into a layout.  

I am so thankful for  Photoshop Elements which does everything I want  to do with my photos. I like the results when  I use blenders, but don't do it often enough. 

I just wish I were not losing the ability to remember  all the techniques I've learned over the years.
I also wish I could work as quickly as  I  once  did.

Sorry about all the I's. Sounds very self centered. I'm on a pity party  tonight, when I really should be showing concern for the future of all the young people, who have been confused by teachers who had an agenda.

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