Monday, February 24, 2020

Kiki, Lucky and Izzy

Our daughter's family includes three cats who dressed for the Christmas season this year. While this layout was meant to show their  outfits for the season, it  turned into a reprimand for Izzy when  I saw the crumpled Kit Kat wrapper on the floor beside him.  Even though I can read my dog's mind, I really don't know how a cat thinks, but I just had to guess what he would have 'said' had I scolded him for eating the Kit Kat.  Actually now that I think of it and realize the difference in cats and dogs, he would have probably 'said', "Yes  I ate that Kit Kat! What's it to you? This is my house!!  My food! Get lost!"

But doesn't his face look too sweet to be thinking that?

So, I had fun making this, but now I have more information...and it will definitely make a big difference in this be fixed later. Guaranteed though, it won't be as much fun next time.

First of all, all the cats are females...has to be why the little one with the Kit Kat wrapper looks so sweet, right?  And she likes to play with empty wrappers, so they give them to her to watch her bat them around on the floor.

Oh, and they can't read or spell! Who would have known?

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