What a marvelous world our God has created. What a gorgeous nation we have. The variety is fantastic. Looking back to our January in Hawaii brought up memories of being on the beach in Oahu. Now as I look out my window here to the lake, I see a view just as beautiful in my eyes...so different and yet magnificent.
Every day we can be reminded of God's love for us by noticing little details of his creation. Bring your children's attentions ( for they soak up what they see) to that which is lovely. The bad side of this world is constantly showing them (and us as well) way too much that is evil.
It is difficult to protect our young ones now with television, etc. But the Lord instructs us to teach our children.
The Bible tells us to,"bring them (children) up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4
And while you are with them, you might want to teach them things they haven't been getting in public school for the past forty or so years, depending on the school district and individual teachers. One important thing is: love of our Christian nation.
Back in 1787 John Adams said, "Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom"
Our schools taught that faithfully, but have lost that focus. Hopefully the new text books will help...but not all schools have new books and we still have teachers to deal with who were educated under anti-American teachers and professors themselves. To be sure our children know the truth, we need to be informed ourselves and take time with them.