As a grandmother, I was truly excited to be told that Aussie had been awarded honors in his Chinese School. He certainly has enjoyed his classes for three years now. In this picture, he is displaying a perfect attendance certificate. I believe steady attendance is a good quality itself...there is much too little of it these days. But even more important is this: He was added to the honor roll. Aussie is one of the few children in class who are not of Chinese heritage. I would think he must have to try harder. I'm very proud of him.
We have to try harder to overcome the evil which has invaded our government and threatens to make us a third world country. Watch Glenn Beck on Fox News at 5:00 EST. If you watch once, I believe you will want to tune in each night. We must be an educated people if we are to survive.
There are 2 separate classes, a heritage class and a non-heritage class. So Aussie is in the non-heritage class- even still making the honor roll is still awesome. He works very hard at it!