The first visitor was a House Finch, perhaps the same one you see in this picture, his red coloring inspiring the colors in the layout. The next day brought more 'business'. Here you can see with the House Finch a Black-capped Chickadee, and in his own picture, a Tufted Titmouse.
I have also seen a bright red Cardinal, but he didn't stay long enough to pose.
This is the first time I've fed the birds here; so I'm not sure what varieties I will find. I'll try to not be disappointed if there are not as many as we had at the last house. It was not only near the lake, but also butting up against old growth woods. (While I typed, I saw a sparrow.)
I put up the bird feeder and very impatiently awaited these 'friends'. They did come.
We need friends in Washington. Don't lose hope for the changes we need in the capitol. Pray and try to hold your ground.
Gorgeous layout!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful bird feeder!
AND... this would be the reason I didn't know you were afraid of birds. It's because you have always been interested in watching them. You even know what kinds they are.