Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Final Game

They surely do like their baseball games...probably as much as I like digital scrapbooking. 

In my opinion, the price to see a game is too high. I suppose the reason I think that is because I really don't like to sit and watch much of anything...not even movies usually. But, Ron and I went with our life group to see The Song tonight. It was well worth our time and money...had a good story line and the kind of ending I like. 

We were quite surprised to see that all movies are only $5.00 at 'our' Regal Cinemas on Tuesdays...all day Tuesdays.  That beats the senior prices. We may be going more often...especially now that there are more movies fit  to see these days.  There for a while, I was embarrassed to have people see me at a movie theater.

I have been very concerned the way our society has been falling away from God and godly ways.

In the book of Jeremiah, a book in the Bible's Old Testament , verse 17 of the 12th chapter says," But if any nation doesn’t listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it, declares the Lord.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Back to School

School can't be too bad when it is called the CIA...Creatively Inspired Academy.  Those initials certainly make it sound better.

The leaves have noticeably been changing colors here the last two days. Seeing them makes me happy and knowing that John and his family will be here to see them soon, makes me even happier.

Now, if I could only get this last book completed before they arrive, so that I can start making pages of the boys while they are still here, instead of early next year.

One would think I could do 7 or 8 pages a day, but that is only when I do nothing else...at least not much..

Friday, September 26, 2014

An Aussie Quip

Our grandson, Aussie, is quite humorous....I like to think he gets it through our side of the family. But perhaps there is more on his father's side.  Anyway, he gets off some good ones sometimes.  I decided to immortalize this one by making a layout.

I am encouraged by his quick wit.

I was also encouraged this evening when we went to see a movie with a good plot that was rated PG. It was "When the Game Stands Tall", based on a true story.  The coach was a good man who taught his team to be loving teammates, telling them that winning was not the most important thing.  I don't even like football, but the movie was so refreshing after all these years of seeing not much more than  trash that is supposed to entertain us. Instead  it make my blood pressure sore.

It is good to see something like that since it seems the whole world is going farther and farther astray. I am hoping and praying that those of us who stay true to our Lord will be like the remnant in the book of Isaiah that was saved in Israel.  We will truly rely on God.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Life Expectancy

Not that this has anything to do with these darling pictures on my grand boys out west; but, Tonight I'd like to let you in on a title conversation some of my friends had today. One said, Isn't it sad how many of our elderly people are now suffering such dementia? It seems to have become so much more prevalent in the last ten years...kinda like autism has on the front end of life. What are we doing to our food and/or environments that we all seem to be getting so many of these serious diseases? Living longer I know is one of the things but I just don't remember so many old ppl having dementia so seriously as now. 
Someone at church told me a few weeks ago that it used to 1 in 10 women would get breast cancer, she said it is now 1 in 3! Can that be true? Is it too much sugar? Getting too fat? Diet soda? GMO's?  Did I do something that brought mine on? I know so many ppl would say yes, those things I listed are the causes and if you just didn't consume them or weren't so fat or exercised more then I wouldn't have gotten cancer. Problem is every time you hear these things we can point to a dozen women who are thin, exercise a lot, obviously don't eat sugar and don't eat the processed crap either yet they still got it. As well as so many really fat ppl with horrible diets that never develop any! Mystery yet 
I think our food supply isn't what it used to be also and of course the soil is depleted of essential minerals that it used to have.  I know we should buy organic whenever possible, and we can only do the best we can in that department.  I am convinced we should get away from foods that are processed and have too many ingredients.  It is a crap shoot as to how and why we get diseases, but we can help our bodies by exercising, eating organic, and taking supplements that boost our immune system!!!!unsolved. 

In light of this conversation we might want to Check out these life expectancy figures since 1900. You might  think we are doing something right, rather than wrong.

A shorter version: In 1900, it was 48.3. In 1998, it was 79.5.  In 2014, it is the same as in 1998.

They didn't even know how to diagnose some things back then, let alone treat them. 
The life expectancy in 2014 looks like some of the countries where the people live off the land have way lower life expectancy than we do here in the land of MacDonalds, Dunkin' Donuts, DQ and large cokes. 
That said, I know there is one thing that is really hard on a person: overeating. It doesn't matter what. All things in moderation is what the Bible tells us...and I am a bad example right now. I've gained weight fairly fast and am feeling it in my joints. And my blood pressure is higher as well. That is a confession and a call for help at the same time. Anyone who sees this and feels that prayer is relevant, please pray for me as I try to get  a handle on this problem with gluttony. May God give me the strength I haven't been able to come up with on my own.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Perfect Dog

Yes, this is my perfect dog.  At least that is what one of her new friends called her tonight.
That's  all I have to say tonight. It has been an enjoyable , but long day. I'm heading to bed.

Friday, September 19, 2014

What does a Pirate Say?

Okay, how many of you knew that this is National Talk Like a Pirate Day?  Of course  it will be too late to practice that by the time you read this, since I have a habit of writing my blog right around midnight. Sorry about that, but I pack my days full and leave FaceBook and the blog for after my brain goes to sleep at night.

These pictures of Pirate Caleb were taken in July, but I just got around to making a layout of these sweet boys, taken while Caleb was still encouraging Oliver to stand. He needn't do that anymore. I understand Oliver is running rings around everyone else. He can be still only to sleep. Hmmmm. I wonder where he gets that?  Couldn't be that it's been passed down the blood line, could it?

I have to admit that had I not gone to Curves today, I would have missed out on this little bit of information.  There, we had to talk like a pirate to get a ticket. Yes, it was a ticket I wanted. Cindy, the owner of our  Curves really makes it a fun place to be. There are always puzzles on the chalkboard for us to solve....for tickets. So we exercise  our brains as well as our bodies.  Every day of the month that curves is open ( all but Sundays and major holidays) she has something we have to wear that day, or do, or say that day to earn a ticket. She hides items around the exercise room for us to find...also for tickets.  Each month she gives away four prizes by picking tickets from bags under our preferred prizes.  The girls get together frequently for lunch and once a year she has a picnic for all our families at her home. Sometimes we even have weight losing contests.

It is a good place to go to get our minds off the travesties of this life and get a few laughs. We girls have bonded and are thus able to tease each other and just have a really good time before going back to work and back to the disappointments of this life that are handed down to each one of us as a group each day by those in Washington set on destroying our country.

I don't believe in sticking my head in the sand, but it is good to take a break now and then to get away from it all and pull ourselves together again in order to fight the  good  fight.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.  1 Timothy 6:12 

We need to fight so that some day we can say: 
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

By the way Shiver me timbers. Ahoy Matey. Arrrrgh!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Trolley Ride

In case  you haven't noticed, I'm suffering from burn out at the computer. I've given up Words with Friends, even though I really enjoy it...because it takes too much time. I'm deleting some of my email...same reason. And now, I'm sloughing off the blog...same reason.  And there are more reasons I'm failing at blog right now. I'm tired by the time I get around to posting, so I'm not thinking clearly enough to write anything enlightening, or meaningful. My thoughts are all mostly running  in the same vein these days and no one is listening...so why say it again and again.

I would really like to say something uplifting and/ or useful , but I'm not qualified now. All I can think about are warnings. Like one I often use. Turn or Burn. Choose to follow God and do his will, or suffer the consequences.

Open God's word and read it. The few 'rules' he gives us are all for our own good.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Aussie Outdoes Himself

I love the expressions here. They fit with the journaling I made up.  Yes, he did get the  7X7 in July. And yes he did very well with it. But by the end of August, he was ready to go onto the next step...the 8x8. He finally talked his dad out of enough money to buy it.  The cheapest I've seen them is $50. That's  more than his allowance. lol

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Doggie Heaven

Maggie does like her boat rides. But she hasn't had a lot of time this summer. Hopefully next year will not be as rainy, will not be as busy and more that anything else, we will still be free and we will be able to afford the frivolity.

It has been a big day here with Maggie. She came off a fast. After almost completely eating a t bone last night, she ate three portions of dry done food. She had been refusing it day after day.  She also endured two brushings...one before her bath and one after.  She was actually good in the bath this time...first time ever. She seemed to enjoy the warm water and appreciate being bathed.  I was able to dry her without her running through the house splattering water everywhere and particularly drying herself on the sofa and bed as she generally tries to do. Even I was able to remain somewhat dry.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Celebrating Senior Status

There comes a time when one must admit he or she is a senior citizen. Some of us dislike that more than others. It is a little jab at our  pride. We can still work hard. We can still keep up a busy pace. We still can... well we do hurt now and then...some of us always...but we keep going. We don't want anyone to think we are old.  Why??? Don't ask me.  But anyway, there we were in the midst of all the rest. We even had younger friends along for the ride. It was really fun. the scenery was great. The entertainment fantastic and we enjoyed just being together.

All of us are old enough to remember 9/11. WE WILL NEVER FORGET! 

I was getting ready to go to Ladies' class that Tuesday morning. The TV was on, as was the custom, since Ron would turn it on when he woke up and I didn't bother to turn it off until I left. I looked up to see a plane flying directly at the buildings. I said to myself, and a few minutes later when I called my husband, that was not an accident.  Ron had sold his airplane the year before, but I knew how difficult it would be to fly into the area...and then it hit the building. Naturally, we saw that plane hit over and over and over that week and for some time afterward. No! We will never forget all those who lost their lives and those whose lives were terribly  affected by losing friends and relatives, co-workers, resources.  And now under this administration we seem to be setting ducks just waiting to experience something like that, or worse again.

In the Bible we've seen cities of God's people crumble under the feet of ungodly people, because his people had left him and blended in with the world.

We must repent,turn and reunite  ourselves with Christ and his word. If we would, there would be no enemy who could touch us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Anyone Have Answers?

Caleb took his time and learned to walk the rope from tree to tree. It was a balancing act. He  figured out that he could do it easier without his boots.

Live and learn.

Good questions found in my morning email.  Have any answers? Anybody?

Something to think about…
Here are six Conundrums in the United States of America:

1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.
5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.
Think about it! And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century.
Makes you wonder who is doing the math.
These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:
1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering...
2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.  But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money?  What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.
Think about it.....and Last but not least,
3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.
Am I the only one missing something?
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” -- Thomas Jefferson

Monday, September 8, 2014

Experimental Garden

We  took the bus to the experimental gardens run by colorado State University. Caleb was quite interested in the blooms and his phone. He intently photographed them all. I think he did not miss one.

Well, this book is about finished and it will go to press.  But naturally, I've already started a new one.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cool Guy

 As Aussie begins the school year, he finds that he needs glasses. He decided to change the whole passage and adapt a new look. He got a haircut, donned his new glasses and a new plaid shirt . This is his makeover page. Cool look there, Aussie. I really like it. Now we are counting the glasses speed you up a bit. Glad you are anxious to share your look with us and hope that your makeover makes you more comfortable this school year.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Lamb's Ear

Living and learning, Caleb found some Lamb's Ear growing wild at the farm.

Just thinking about relativity after reading Max Lucado's email on Thursday.

This is what he wrote:," When I was nine years old, I complimented a friend’s model airplane. He said, “I stole it!”  He could tell I was stunned because he asked, “Do you think that was wrong?” When I told him I did, he answered simply, “It may be wrong for you, but it’s not wrong for me. I know the owner. He’s rich…I’m not.”
What do you say to that argument? If the majority opinion determines good and evil, what happens when the majority is wrong? A godly view of the world has something to say to my childhood thief. You may think it’s right. Society may think it’s okay. But the God who made you said, ‘You shall not steal’—and he wasn’t kidding. The hedonist’s world of no moral absolutes works fine on paper and sounds great in a college philosophy course, but in life? Paul described it best in Romans 1:21, “Their foolish minds were filled with darkness.”

Yes, the world may lean toward relativity. You hear, 'It's all relative." But it is not. There are moral absolutes that we must follow in order to live a life of true joy.

Our lord declared that we should be innocent as little children to enter his kingdom. Of course we can't be...but he had a plan. He died on a cross to cover our sins. Now we can be saved without being perfect. Praise God.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Walk This Way

Our grandson has been crawling for a while now, but he had started pulling himself up on things and 'walking' around them. Yesterday, he was given a push toy and he took off. He knows just what he wants to do. After all he was the only one in the house who couldn't walk. He wants to go places and do his own thing.

Is there anything better than being a grandmother?  I don't think so...not on this earth.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Rope Swing

As a swing  goes back and forth,  the pendulum naturally swings as  well. It is a fact of life. Even in politics, there is a swinging back and forth from Democrat to Republican, from  liberal to conservative and back again. However, now that the Democratic Party has swung dangerously into socialist ground, many of the Republicans  are now what the Democrats once were. It is definitely time to swing back into the moral side of life. It is time for everyone to stop bickering and jump into a job that will provide for themselves and a family. It is time to stand on our own two feet and not leech off others. It is time to take responsibility for our own mistakes and not to blame others for what we ourselves do.

If this doesn't make sense, it is because I'm falling asleep on the job...literally.   Good night.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Up Against a Wall

Here are two examples of Caleb being 'up against a wall'. We were walking the streets of Ft Collins, just enjoying the sights on the way to dinner the evening of June the fifth.  Caleb found ways to entertain himself on the way.

Well, I'd like to say that I've been entertained today, but instead I have to admit that I've been entertaining some thoughts that are quite disturbing.  In an email I received today is news that is appalling:

"Interestingly enough, when GWB was president you heard about the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily.  With Obama in the White House, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet.  More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months.  This is more than the combined total of the nine years before.  Thirty have died in August.   During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan."

When will it stop?  When we turn from the filthy movies and TV shows and return to our creator God, then He will cure our land and save us from our enemies.