Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Final Game

They surely do like their baseball games...probably as much as I like digital scrapbooking. 

In my opinion, the price to see a game is too high. I suppose the reason I think that is because I really don't like to sit and watch much of anything...not even movies usually. But, Ron and I went with our life group to see The Song tonight. It was well worth our time and money...had a good story line and the kind of ending I like. 

We were quite surprised to see that all movies are only $5.00 at 'our' Regal Cinemas on Tuesdays...all day Tuesdays.  That beats the senior prices. We may be going more often...especially now that there are more movies fit  to see these days.  There for a while, I was embarrassed to have people see me at a movie theater.

I have been very concerned the way our society has been falling away from God and godly ways.

In the book of Jeremiah, a book in the Bible's Old Testament , verse 17 of the 12th chapter says," But if any nation doesn’t listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it, declares the Lord.

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