I know it is only February, but it feels like it has been snowing forever. I love it in some ways. It is beautiful. But I'm ready for a little global warming, climate change...whatever they want to call it.
Everyone in Ohio should take all their aerosol cans outside and spray away. LOL Wish it were that easy. Shoot we can't even forecast the weather well! What gives us the idea we can cause changes in it? Ignorant arrogance , that's what!
Dad was a chemist. He said in the lab if you released fluorocarbons, they would 'roll' to the floor. They don't go up. Do I believe the conjecture that they deplete ozone in the stratosphere? NO KOOK Science for me!
Enough of my opinions, I'm adding my scrapbook page with a picture I took last night just before we entered a white out on the way to be with friends in life group.
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