A glance at my patio shows my neglect of plants during the last dry spell. It makes me sad to see these once lovely daisies with only a few flowers withering and the leaves curled and dry. I feel like I dealt them a blow in the prime of their lives. I'm glad I captured their beauty this spring for now these California Daisies might as well be in their home state, dying with the rest of their family in the drought imposed by our out of whack government which prevents California from getting the water it has to have to grow food for themselves and the rest of the country. California looks like the pictures I've seen of the dust bowl. Nothing is growing and 40% of the people have no jobs. Good farmers have their hands tied. Why are we letting this kind of nonsense go on in this home of the free? We are starving people to protect some fish! I'm sure these self righteous nuts would prefer that people were in danger of becoming an extinct species.
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