Glad I got that over with early. Did my Bible lesson in the Beth Moore book, Esther:It's Hard Being a Woman. Then headed to Medina and a frilly tea shop called Miss Molly's Tea Room.
I met my friend Phyllis and her four sisters all here from Texas. We had a little mix up and I
was in Medina an hour early...time to shoot a few pictures on and around the the town square.
With six girls chatting, it ran long. We enjoyed every minute. I ran some errands on the way
home. Hurried through them and home to fix dinner for Hubby...not hungry myself after a late and filling lunch. Rushed over to Curves to be there the last 1/2 hour they were open...then finished my errands at WalMart...at least I would have finished them had I not lost my list
somewhere today. I got home without Epson Salts which my hubby asked me to buy almost a full week ago. Then it was time to put the clean sheets on our bed. Finally, I made it here to the computer to create this layout of these leaves across the street. I hope you can enjoy the wonder
of color our God created.
God is good!
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