The Scrapgirls' Convention was a big hit for the second year. There is an unusual bond among us...there's something about 'girls' who carry at least one camera everywhere ready to snap away at the strangest of images. Add the fact that we are avid digital junkies and watch us form fast friendships easily... young and old, rich or not, outgoing or shy,of differing political persuasions and from all over the world come together and feel an instant kinship.
Here we have Shari with her camera and me behind the Digital Scrap Link sign.
If you wonder why I'm wearing a tiara, it is because I have been dubbed Countess Cropalot from my many days of paper scrapping. The name and crown have come along with me to the digital world. I wore it all through the event...and I was not the most 'far out' one there. We had monkeys and fairies to name a few.
My opinion: All the people of the world 'could' unite. However it will never happen as long as some want to dominate. They continually try to shove their wishes down the throats of the rest of us. From the beginning of this nation, our worst enemies were kept far away; but now they are here working among us. They are the ones we have to watch, and closely! Watch and Pray.
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