Caleb thought he was driving...and we thought he was really cute. Of course Daddy was the one in control.
These last four years we've had a driver in the White House, who has really grabbed control and driven right around any road blocks the House, and courts have put in his way. While everyone has been blamed but him for the loss of jobs, and the huge downturn in the economy, he has been constantly at the wheel. It's been a dangerous ride and we all need to hit the exit.
It looks like some who have stood behind this man through thick and thin have finally had enough and are now jumping ship. When Newsweek turns against a liberal, you know something really big is up. Evidently, they have begun to see the real picture, not the slanted version being spoon fed them day and night.
Check out this week's Newsweek cover and the article inside.
How did that song go? Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more!
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