Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Fallen Leaves for Sale

This page is dated November 17.  That was the last time our yard has been relatively leaf free. The leaves fell so late and then the weather took a quick turn toward winter. Since that date, we've had a lot of rain and even snow and Ron worked on his equipment.

Our yard at present still has snow on top of several inches of leaves, which continue to fall.  Ron has been waiting, waiting and then waiting for a chance to get those leaves dry so that he can load them up and then grind  them into  fine little bits for disposal.  We are thinking that any day now, it will warm above freezing and  dry those things. In the meantime, if you don't have oak trees and would like some leaves, we would be willing give you a discount... No, we'll give them to you FREE, we'll even thank you for taking them. It's our Christmas spirit. Get them free and give them as gifts. It is a DEAL. Come  one, Come all, Get a remembrance of Fall.  Again, I repeat... FREE!

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