Wednesday, May 29, 2019

In the Spirit of Remembrance, Red. White and Blue

I didn't  do much of value over the Memorial Day weekend. My thoughts were  with our fallen veterans and their families. Thankfully we didn't lose anyone from our family, but we have lost friends. We are very thankful that they gave their all to keep us free. We pray that those who have grown up in our country without knowledge of those valiant veterans will somehow learn the value of a free country.  I know it is difficult, since patriotism is now pretty much schooled out of them. I pray that somehow they learn the problems with socialism without having to live under socialist rule.

So what did I do this past weekend? I worked to get another book published with Shutterfly. I was able to save $86 by completing it before the deadline...the sale ended Monday night.

I also went to church on Sunday morning. Linda and I were dressed in similar red, white and blue. So naturally, we took a picture. Proud to be American!

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