You've heard me talking about the Scrapgirl's Digital Convention I attended at Salt Lake City, Utah in October last year. But I hadn't done any layouts from that event. That is hard to believe, isn't it?...especially since I took a 'brazilian' pictures.
For anyone who hasn't heard that joke...here it is. A 'blond' and her husband were listening to the news. It was announced that a Brazilian was killed parachuting in Colorado. The blond started crying uncontrollably. Her husband asked why she was so broken up about this accident. She answered, "That's a lot of people. How many is a Brazilian?"
Any way, perhaps I'll get time to make a few digital layouts from that trip in the near future.
It was a wonderful experience, and I'd like to go again this year. Don't know how the economy will hold out though. I do have free air miles...if they don't take those away. Continental is asking for more and more of them for the same number of miles.
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