Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sweet Brotherly Love

Caleb and Oliver have loved each other from the beginning. Now that Julia is here, she makes it a triangle. All three are sweet kids.  Of course we love them to pieces.

I hope and pray your week has been going well.  I've been consciously trying to find things to be happy about. The grandchildren  of course, top the list. But I just don't get to see any of them often enough.  

We saw a movie tonight called The Insanity of God.  It isn't what you might think. It is a documentary like story  of missionaries in Communist countries.  It was frightening and heart warming all at the same time. It was one night only. I don't know if it will be in theaters again, but if you can ever find it on video, take advantage of that. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Another Pokemon Day

Pokemon is a big phenomenon, one that I don't entirely understand, but I can appreciate the dedication some people have to it. There are things I like...it gets one off of the couch and outdoors with the fresh air...well I don't know how fresh it is in the city where I imagine more people play, but they are at least out of the house.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Baby Has a New Headband

These pictures were taken last month, on the 6th, when Julia tried what I think is her first headband. It makes me want to go out and buy her several. I love headbands on baby girls. 

You can see her brother, Oliver in the mirror behind her. All of a sudden, he took an interest. Perhaps tomorrow, I can post a picture of him. 

I should have given you a picture of their dog, Rado, but I haven't made a layout of him since May. It is National Dog Day and we should honor him. He's a very sweet dog and he does love his sister and brothers. 

Our Maggie was lucky that National Dog Day fell on our 49th anniversary, because we were able to bring her a big steak bone from our dinner. She was quite happy to celebrate with that bone. 

I wish I would have taken a picture, but we had to leave her out in the courtyard until the bone was nearly clean...then I put her in a bathroom until it was clean enough to bring into the rest of the house.

By that time, her face was not very pretty, but rather greasy. She is ok with that though. The bone was worth it...and she is a tom boy. She doesn't really care that much.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Memories of Summer

Ashley was going  to the Parthenon  in Nashville to search  for Pokemon. It was only mid July. since then she and her brothers have started school, public school for the first time. Wow, what a big change in their lives. I imagine they are already looking forward to Christmas vacation, if not summer.

I am nodding off, so I must go. Pray for the people of our nation to pull together and strive for the good of all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Mason's family had to stop along the road when they saw his nickname on this large sign.

I'm having trouble with this blog on my computer tonight, even though it seems fine on my iPhone. It is much more difficult to deal with it on a small screen, so I'm dropping this picture and heading to bed. I'll work on the problem tomorrow. 

By the way, has anyone had this problem?  When I click on my link to the blog on my screen, everything on the computer starts opening all over my screen. 

Monday, August 22, 2016


With my bad knee and the scorching hot weather this summer, we haven't done a lot of boating...and of course boating makes living by the lake so much more fun. I like to do it myself. It is very calming. And I love to see others who don't live on a lake themselves enjoy the water and wildlife. 

 I'm really wanting a boat ride right now...well maybe not  right  now. It is past 10:30 PM and I actually like to be home by now. But if I had my choice, I would trade in my activities tomorrow for a ride. I'm really missing it. I can see the water from here and it is beautiful. But, it is not the same as floating along with the breeze in my hair.  And it doesn't hurt to stop at the ice cream shop for cones.

Maybe it will take someone other than myself asking for a ride out on the lakes. I can't imagine Ron turning anyone down.

When you lie your head on your pillow tonight, please remember our Father in heaven and ask for deliverance from the evil one's hand. Ask him to save our nation.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Won the Gym... Pokemon

School could interfere with Pokemon. It's a tough life. But Mason and Ashley won this battle over the gym. They now own it, until someone comes along to take it away. In the meantime, they are PROUD owners of the gym.

So now I'm praying for God to help us win the battle we are in for our country. It is ours. It has been American for 300 years, but those we want to take over are 
fighting. So far, we have been standing idle and letting it happen. We've not been fighting back. We are a peace loving people, so the politicians have been running over us...putting us all into slavery, but especially those of darker color. It isn't right! We are ALL children of God and ALL should be treated as such. One segment of our society has especially been held down. They have not been educated well. They are saddled with the burden of trying to make  a living without skills.

At least now, we have one who is not beholden to the evil rich who want to take complete control. He wants to give everyone equal treatment...true equality. I pray that we wake up as a nation and demand that we are not treated unequally. Men and women should be treated as equals. Black and white should be treated as equals. Homosexuals and heterosexuals should be treated as equals under the law. Rich and poor should be equally treated. Christians and non-Christians should be thought of as equals under the law...on an on.  We are created equal and should be treated that way under the law.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Maggie Brings Joy

Maggie just got a puppy cut. Her hair is the shortest it has ever been. She really looks different from this picture taken of her in June.

But no matter how she looks, she is what makes this house a fun place to be. She brings us true joy. With her love and affection, she makes us happy to return home. She makes us look forward to bedding down at night  with her at our feet.  Now that I think about it, this layout should be bright and cheery like she it. The somber look on her face and the darkness of the background do not convey the right meanings. I see a do-over coming up really soon.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Something to Think About

If you can't read what it says...I know it is small... It says," Do you love me because I'm beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me?"

That is something to contemplate. Is it that way with people? Can they seem more beautiful if you know them?  Can it be the other way around as well.

We all think our own grandchildren are beautiful. I know mine are.;)   How  does our Father in heaven look at us? Are we beautiful to him? I would guess we are, every one of us are. And which one comes first beauty or love?   Remember the old vicious circle?  I think the prettier (inside)  people are, the more you love them and the more you love them, the more beautiful they appear...and it builds from there.

Go and be beautiful, no matter how you think you look.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

In the Absence of Fireworks...

I had such beautiful pictures that I didn't need to do a lot with the layout. These pictures may have worked better on two separate pages, but I threw them together. They were taken within a few hours.
As much as I love fireworks, none could be more beautiful than this sky of bright pink and blue.

God is the creator. We will never outdo him.

Just looking at Lauren's sweet face made me think of this newsletter from Rock Warren about a week ago. Her gentle look is what did it.

Lauren is certainly not weak.  Okay, so here is the letter. Do you think Rick Warren has a good point?

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5 NIV).
If you want to make healthy choices to be well and whole again, you have to learn to be meek. Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (NIV).
The Bible lists many benefits of meekness: The meek will be satisfied (Psalm 22:26); God will guide them (Psalm 25:9); they will become wise (Proverbs 11:2); they will be filled with fresh joy (Isaiah 29:19).
There are many, many others. The problem is, we misunderstand this term. None of us really know what meekness is. In fact we often confuse it with another term that sounds like it — “meek” sounds like “weak.” Nobody wants to be weak, so nobody wants to be meek. 
But the truth is meekness and weakness are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Meekness is in no way weakness. In fact, the Greek word for meekness literally means “strength under control.” To be meek is not to be weak. It’s used to describe a wild stallion that has been tamed. That stallion still has all the strength it had when it was wild, but now its strength is under control. It is strength bottled up for the master’s use. God doesn’t want you to be weak, but he does want you to be meek. The Bible teaches that it’s one of the keys to stress reduction in your life. 
Here’s a simple definition of the word meek: Let go, and let God. That is the essence of meekness. It is surrendering, submitting, and agreeing to what God wants to do in your life. It’s letting God be God in your life. Let go, and let God.
I don’t know a phrase that will do more for your health physically or emotionally than this phrase. If you’ll begin to practice it in your life, it will relieve stress and eliminate worry. If you’ll let go and let God, it will defuse anger and end your hurt and resentment.
Although Lauren looks gentle, she certainly is not weak!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Life at the Lake

This layout is pretty self explanatory and that is a good thing. I'm falling asleep at the computer again. This is beginning to be a habit. Need to start going to sleep earlier...could use the beauty sleep as well. ;)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Mason and Friends in Florida

I may have to publish this without saying anything. I'm falling asleep at my computer. Needless to say, I've had a long and busy day, more than I'm equipped to handle recently.

Listened to Donald Trump tonight and think he is on the right track. The government should be of the people, for the people and by the people, not controlled by all those who have made a lucrative career out of their 'service'. We are not here to serve them, but they are here to serve us, the people.

Monday, August 15, 2016

I Am?

I love the expression on Julia's face.  This photo was taken the day that  Lebron James with the Cavs won the championship against the Golden State Warriors.  I put this photo of her on FaceBook with her  comment..."WOW! I've been waiting for this my whole life.."  She was 3 months old at the time.  I would have used that comment on this layout, except I couldn't bring myself to mix that darling little dress with the Cavs uniform.  It just didn't seem right.;)

I'm sure she was shocked to find out she is a princess as well.  Of course these days, all little girls are told they are. It is really hard to meet all their expectations once they grow up with that idea.

I'm hoping that our Julia will be enough like her mother and her brothers that she can enjoy worms and similar things.

One needs to be a little tough in this world that teaches everyone to be offended at the drop of a hat. What is the purpose of that?  PC of  course. Teaching children that you must be careful with what you say and never say anything that someone might not want to hear. It is a way to thwart freedom of speech.

I am not advocating mean spirited speech, but this thing has gone much too far with people being offended if they call a baseball team, the Indians... Come on!!! How crazy can one get?

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Flooding River

You can read about this flood on the layout. April walked down to the Kanawha River three days after it first flooded. As the water rushed by, she spotted a beautiful butterfly visiting the nearby flowers. It was its flight that caught her fancy and caused her to dance along the water's edge.

Thank you April for calling our attention to the beauty in an otherwise bad situation.

This happened near the end of June.  Now nearly two months later, there has been a terrible flood in Louisiana.  Because of the same weather pattern, a lot of rain has made it's way north to us. We really needed it, so many of us on higher ground have been hoping to see a lot.  However, as other rains this summer, they have mostly passed both north and south of us. We have had more than usual, but not the amount we need to make up for the drought we've been suffering this year.

Thank you Father God for all you've given us, including sunshine, rain and especially rainbows. They remind us of that  promise you made long ago. You will never again destroy the earth by water.

Father, we know you have not 'promised us a rose garden'.  We will all have trials, which you have planned for our lives. We pray those tests will train us to trust in you, so that we seek your will daily.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


Taking after her dad in this way, she has come to love anime and cosplay. On this weekend, she was in Kentucky with her mom, for an anime gathering, dressed as Taiga from Toradora. 

Here in Ohio, we have had more rain than usual, but no where near the amount they've been warning us about for the last couple of days.  Flood Warning. Well we did have one heavy rain, for maybe 15 minutes. So far, it is going north and south of us as it has for months now.

We did have a very large branch, at least 60 feet long, fall from one of our very old and tall oak trees yesterday afternoon, while Ron and I both watched. It was rare that we would both be near that window. Glad we got to see it fall from a height of two stories or more.

Today, I found the place on the tree from which it had fallen and photographed it as well as I could.
I also got pictures of Ron as he chopped it up for disposal. I'm sure someone would have liked it for a fireplace; but he was just anxious to clear the lawn and get rid of the mess.

And more important than the clutter in our yard is the subject of an email in my mailbox this morning.  We need to get the clutter out of our hearts and turn back to our maker.

Here is a portion of that letter:

Dear Beloved God in Heaven,
Please give us a president that loves this country and everything it stands for.
Please give us a president who respects you as the one true God.
Please give us a president who will, with your help, restore this nation to its former glory, the way you created it.
Please help us to respect what you have given to us and not take anything for granted ever again.
Please God, weaken the evil and strengthen the good, both within and without.  
May our eyes be opened.
In Jesus' name, Amen ….
And just one more thing on my mind. Let's quit taking the Lord's name in vane with the expression OMG, which stands for Oh My God.  This expression rarely if ever is used in reference to God and His glory, but only for ...well you know. Let's take charge of our tongues as use them to bring glory to God.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Do Over

If this looks somewhat familiar, it is. I posted this layout on Thursday the first time.  I was not content with it. I've  taught myself to not go back and redo layouts because I have too much to do...and nothing is ever perfect anyway. But this one was really bothering me, so I redid it. Chelle gave me a tip to make it more balanced. I cleaned it up and made a background that was much less distracting. Yes, I am happier with it now.  

Mason in Florida

Mason was traveling with a friend's family to Florida in June. I'm not sure how they got him to pose for all these photos, but I'm glad they did. It is a grandmother's dream to see him having fun.  Since we cannot travel together, it is good to have pictures to share some of the joy of the days.

I hope it is fun for him to look back and remember all the fun they had on their trip, now that they are back in school and loaded down with homework.

It isn't easy to adjust to high school, but especially when he and his brother and sister have been home schooled all their lives.  So, they are working hard.

Cause for concern this election year...the Democrat candidate's health. It doesn't look good. I imagine they  fear she will have to drop out at the last minute. She has striven for this day from the time she was introduced to Saul Alinsky, or even before.  And that is another concern of mine at this time.

Please pray that the living God will deliver us from those who would completely destroy our country.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pile It On

I'm not very happy with this layout. Love the picture and it seems overwhelmed to me.
The reason there is so much stuff piled on...I was trying to  get that look... Generally I like it when I see others do it; however, I just can't get the knack without it looking too wild.

I've spent a lot of time on Words with Friends today because I'm really not feeling great.
Praying for a better day tomorrow. Please pray with me...nothing serious, I think, just very uncomfortable with stinging sensation over my legs, feet and sometimes my body.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

JAX...a Cool Store

JAX is a cool store in Fort Collins, CO. We've been there with Caleb, John and Beth. But this time we were not there and we can thank his mom for taking this picture of Caleb and this ginormous backpack.  Not sure its purpose. Surely they don't expect a giant that size to walk in the door..  Could it make it easier to see all it's features? I don't know. But I do know it makes a clever picture. I'm a happy grandmother tonight, having made this page for my next book. Thank you Beth and Caleb.

I'm cutting this post short tonight since there is lightning and thunder making it's way here. Must shut down the computer to make sure I don't lose book pages to a lightning strike.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Wake-Up to the World Around You.

I have a new picture of Julia that shows her beautiful eyes even better than this one...how could that be?  Anyway, I haven't yet set it to music...translation, made a layout with it.  I need to spend more time making layouts. It seems like my days are planned for me and by the time I get a chance to do my own thing, it is midnight already.  

And I spend a lot of time on the computer, chasing down news stories, trying to keep abreast of all that is happening. There has never been a time in history when everything was being torn apart like it is now...at least not in the history I've lived. It can sometimes become frightening, so I really need these sweet children in my life to see that God is still alive and working.

One thing I know right now. Our votes are important. I believe that God will take care of the corruption issue if we will just turn to him for help through this time.

This came to my inbox today and it is quite true and very interesting. I'm posting it so that you can read it yourself.

This should really be the wakeup call for all you “Undecided”

I have six scary little words for all voters who backed losing candidates in the Republican primaries 
and who are threatening to sit out the November election because they don’t like Donald Trump:

Supreme Court Justice Barack Hussein Obama.  

The choice in November is clear – it will be either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton!
A no-vote is the same as a vote for Hillary Clinton.  
If Hillary Clinton, arguably the most dishonest and corrupt person ever to run for 
President of the United States, wins, I have no doubt that a President Hillary Clinton 
will name President Obama to the Supreme Court for several very good reasons: 
he has covered her backside, no easy task that in itself, in the email server scandals 
and now wants payback; he claims credentials as a Constitutional lawyer; he is buying 
a mansion in Washington D. C. and has made no secret of his desire to stay in the capitol; 
and he could complete his “fundamental transformation”  of our Republic during a 
lifetime on the Supreme Court.  If that’s not enough to scare everyone into voting, 
I don’t know what will.  

Even if you dislike The Donald, grit your teeth and vote for him;
the alternative in simply too devastating and unimaginable ... !!!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Strange Dating of Blog Posts

I can't tell you how this happened, but I can tell you what  to do about it. The post for August 7, which I posted a few minutes ago, got dated August 4th  and is called Rubik's Cube Competition. You will see my Saturday's entry first and then the Rubik's cube one. Crazy, I know. There is no way for me to date the posts or change what they put on it.

Friday, August 5, 2016

First day of school.

This picture of Ashley and her mom was taken in June before she turned 14. Today, she started her first day of high school.

I'm not making my usual  comments today. I have posted a piece that a friend of mine from Washington state, who is a minister's wife, posted on FaceBook. It expresses my views very well. It is well worth reading if at this time you are still not sure how or if you want to vote in November.

Jim Garlow 
okay..... Here goes!
Moments ago on private FB messaging, I was asked "THE question"... again
regarding Trump or Hillary. I am not demanding that anyone else share my
view. But, I was asked. Here is my best attempt at a response at this
1. The Democratic and Republican party platforms are as different as
night and day, evil vs. good. The 51 page Democratic platform is absolutely
the worst ever! An anti-biblical, radical left wing pagan socialist (a
socialist is a communist without a gun) would be thrilled with it. The 54
page GOP platform is the best platform ever. A biblically alert person could be
comfortable with almost all of it. This is a BIG issue. Although some "blow
off" party platforms, I do not. Nor do many people up and down the ballot
who are running for office. This is a serious and very important item. I
have a hard copy of both platforms in front of me now. Most who are reading
this post have never checked out what the party platforms say. You should.
2. Analogy #1: Both candidates are flawed. We all know that. But
permit me an analogy: As a pastor I would rather deal with a church
attender who is blatant and brash in his sinning than one who is devious,
hidden, lying, cunning, surreptitious and deceptive. Both are problematic,
but one is easier to deal with than the other. If I were a pastor bringing
correction to a parishioner, I would prefer dealing with a "Trump-type" any
day over a "Hillary-type." The chances of making progress with the
"Trump-type" is many times greater than the "Hillary-type."
3. Analogy #2: When my (late) wife's remarkable and much loved
oncologist said, "Don't take Carol to that alternative (non FDA approved)
treatment." I asked, "Why not?" He said, "The unknown." I said, "Doctor,
your 'known' is much worse than the alternative treatment's 'unknown.'" (I
took her to that alternative treatment. One year later that same oncologist
went to the alternative treatment doctor to see how it was that Carol had
improved so much. While this alternative treatment did not ultimately save
her life, it likely stretched 2-3 years of life to six years of life - by
the admission of another brilliant young oncologist who later said, "Without
any medical training or scientific fact, you have put together a protocol of
treatment that has moved her into the top fraction of 1% of all patients
with Carol's particular cancer). Application of the analogy: Hillary's
"known" is considerably worse - many times over - than Trump's "unknown."
4. Trump has lots of sins in his past (we all do too), and - in the
present - says things he should not say. I make no attempt to defend any of
the things he has said. (Note to all who might respond to this: There is
no need to rehearse the wrong things he has said. We get it. He should not
have thought or said them. But there is no need to rehash them here. So we
won't. If you have a psychological need to re-list them, I will simply
delete them. We know them already. I am writing this with a nice smile on
my face.) Although America has had some scandal ridden candidates in its
history, we have NEVER seen any one major party candidate so constantly
scandalous, so evil-consumed as Hillary. She exceeds ALL previous
boundaries for wrong doing. (This brief post does not permit the space to
list the nonstop, continuous string of horrific scandals of the Clintons.
No need to list them.)
5. Trump is slowly being surrounded by increasingly good persons.
(NOTE: Right while I was typing this, I received a call from a man on the
East Coast whom I have only met twice, but who has Trump's ear, who told me
the good things happening "behind the scenes," in spite of some of the
unprincipled things he has said.) Can these good people impact Trump? We'll
see. But that is better than the horrific, anti-scriptural persons
surrounding Hillary.
6. Trump is right on approximately 75% of the issues. (I wish it was
100%. It is not.) I am in hopes that those beginning to surround him can
help him connect the dots on more issues. Hillary is wrong on 100% of the
7. (This might be the most important, but few will understand its
significance.) Trump opposes globalism. Hillary thrives on it. Globalism
is far more than "geographical" or "eliminating national borders and
boundaries." It is spiritual, that is, demonic at it's core. Few - very
few - understand this. THIS is the main reason why Trump is hated. Do your
homework on this one. Think "principalities and powers." Serious.
Extremely serious. 
8. Not voting is not an option, contrary to what the "purists" claim.
It is not my intention to begin a "Facebook war." I know that some
radically disagree with this. My view: they have the right to be wrong.
(Lighten up. I am smiling. Let's try to stop yelling at each other.
9. Voting for a third party candidate is - regardless of what is said -
a complete "throw-away." No third party candidate will be elected, or even
come remotely close to being elected. And yes - that matters to me. (And
the Libertarian ticket - Johnson & Weld - is nearly as bad on many issues as
10. Trump has moved pro-life. Hillary is pro-baby killing, and prides
herself on that, and honoring the organization that actually traffics human
parts from dead babies whom they have killed. This is below anything we
have seen since Nazi Germany. The gall of Hillary. The Clintons have
evaded justice for decades and likely will continue to. But they will stand
before the Great White Throne. They will have to give account of their
support of the ripping to shreds of babies in the womb. (For the record,
those who vote for those who support the genocide of pre-borns will also
have to give an account.)
11. Trump wants to defend the nation (which is the purpose of
government). Hillary has a horrific track record as Secretary of State, and
due to hundreds of millions of dollars given to her and her husband's
foundation, she is beholden to those who want us dead.
12. Hillary claims "everything is fine" in America. This defies every
single fact, but fact has never been an interest of Hillary's. Trump
understands that it is 11:59pm on the "cultural clock." America is near the
end - morally, economically and militarily. There are very clear
identifiable indicators - measurable - that America is no longer the world's
leading power. That day is over. Hillary will hasten the final destruction.
Trump could either slow that down - or possibly, with God's help - reverse
it. Maybe. 
13. Trump will address the massive government spending. Hillary will
expand it - above the existing unsustainable debt the US currently is
carrying (almost $20 trillion plus unfunded liabilities to Social Security,
14. Trump will expose - and I pray, bring down - "the systemic evil"
(crony, deceitful, misuse of capitalism) that reigns among many of the K
Street lobbyists. Hillary thrives because of them.
15. Trump will stop the massive overreach of government. Hillary will
extend it.
16. Freedoms come in "three's." Political freedom, economic freedom and
religious liberty coexist together. Take one away and the other two will
eventually disappear. One cannot exist without the other two. The genius
of America is that it had all three, until.... Trump totally grasps the
loss of religious liberty (I have heard him speak on it in person). He
fully knows that economic and political freedoms are evaporating. He will
reverse that. Hillary will decimate all three.
17. Every rational person knows the Supreme Court appointments are
paramount. Trump has listed 11 superb potential nominees. Hillary's
appointments would snuff out the tiny vestige of the three freedoms that are
left (mentioned in the statement above).
18. I make no excuse for wrong doing or wrongful, hurtful words from
either candidate. Candidly, I want King Jesus. He rules in my heart. And
yours too, I suspect. And I want him to rule here - now. But that day is
not fully manifested...yet. In the meantime, we prayerfully, carefully
navigate this challenging election season, with great concern that above
all, we honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in every arena of our lives,
including the voting booth. That is my hope. It is yours as well.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Rubik's Competition

I really have a hard time keeping up with all the activities of our family. Here it is one week into August and I'm publishing one of Aussie's competitions in June. Since then he has been to the National Rubik's Cube competition in Portland, Oregon.

This contest was in Athens, Georgia the weekend of June 4-5. You can read of his successes here.

He, his brother and sister started 9th grade on Friday. From what I understand it was a little rocky. It is a big change from their previous years of home schooling to be sure. It is not easy to transfer from that to regular school; but I imagine it would be even more troubling at this age. But they are real troopers and we are praying that they will adjust just fine in a few days.

I'm also praying that they can hold onto the standards they have been taught at home, which could be much different from the way many kids are raised today.

We went to a concert tonight by a local band called La Flavour tonight on the Hudson Clocktower Green.

We all enjoyed it so much that I jokingly suggested we become groupies and follow them around. It shouldn't be too difficult because they are a local band. It would be worth it because it would momentarily keep our minds off the realities of this age.

I really liked the last song they played to night... God Bless the USA.

New School

I should have a layout of our 14 year old grand triplets first day of school tomorrow. All three will be going to Nashville School of the Arts. 

Tonight I'm featuring Ashley, who is not new to the arts at all. She has been in a theater company for several years. She is also really into anime and goes to all the gatherings that she can for that. 

This summer she became a member of NECAT in Nashville. You can read on the layout above to see what that is all about. A shorter version: She is interviewing two fellows about horror flicks and anime. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Results of a Bum Knee

My knee had been giving me trouble for at least  6 months in May. I had been through  Physical Therapy and had been doing well. However, after our vacation in Colorado, we flew back to Ohio. We usually fly non stop from Denver to Akron, but we had a different airline this time (free miles). We had to change planes in Chicago. It was not a bad trip, but trying to keep up with Ron in the airport in Chicago was the last straw. My knee gave up and left me hobbling. Finally, we came to a place where we could easily pick up a little shuttle to get me to the departure gate for Cleveland. But it was too late for my knee. I had to be wheeled from the arrival gate to our parking lot.  I felt like a little old lady. (I forget to look in the mirror these days.)  

When I arrived home, I basically went to bed for a week, using the walker above when I had to be up for some reason or another. My leg was improving with the rest...in some ways, while getting weaker from the lack of exercise. 

By the time I got to the knee doctor it was decided that I would need surgery on it. However, we were expecting several or our kids to visit us this summer and I didn't want the operation to  affect that or my 55th high school reunion. So we scheduled the operation for late in July, the 22nd.  By then, I really needed it.  

The operation itself went well, the anesthesia made me sick, but I was able to go home the same day as the arthroscopy. I was under the impression that I could go back to my busy schedule in a couple of days...well so much for that thought. It is now August 3. I just started Physical Therapy again yesterday and I'm really slowed down...will be working on recovery for at least a month.  As they say, getting old is not for sissies. 

Now one thing is for sure...I have lots of time for the computer. In one way that is good. I've published another book and have a good start on another...but I also read all the news every day. With is being an election year, there is lots to read on both sides.

Now, if it were not for knowing that God wins in the end and He is in control, I would have been so depressed by now that I wouldn't even be able to lift my head off the pillow.  Thank God for comfort through this and God Bless America.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It's Oliver's Turn

This past Saturday, I posted a layout of big brother, Caleb on this same water slide... Now it is Oliver's turn.  He had his own style, which looks to me like the breast stroke. He's a really cute 2 year old!

I have to put my two cents into the political scene, whether it will make any difference or not. In my opinion, if Trump loses, it will be his own fault. The people are clamoring after someone like him, who is  not a seasoned politician who snows the people then throws them down.

Does he not know that most people in these 'United' States are shocked at his New York ways of treating people? Even if the rest of us are not real thoughtful and kind ourselves, we expect those we look up to, to be nice.  But having said  that, I believe most of us would prefer someone who speaks his mind over someone who tells us everything we want to hear while having done just the opposite and not intending to keep his/her word.

What we have here is someone who says what he means harshly and someone who hasn't told the truth since ...wait a minute. There is no record I've seen that she has EVER told the truth. Now that is scary!

 Her team is saying we are haters, which is so very far from the truth. We are fearful of the haters. We have reason to be. They are not quiet about their intentions and they are rising up all over the world and bringing terror to all of us. We don't know when we will see their murderous outbursts in our own cities.

Where is common sense in the Democratic Party? They want to give us more and more of the same thing...heavy taxation and rhetoric, when it just isn't working. We cannot make these enemies love us by treating them nicely. They laugh at that while making their bombs and killing innocent people because we don't worship their god. And I don't want to hear about the crusades. We are not responsible for what those people back then did to anyone.  But we are responsible for what we do now. We cannot let our children and grandchildren down and give over to those who will slaughter them in the name of Allah.

It's Oliver's Turn

This past Saturday, I posted a layout of big brother, Caleb on this same water slide... Now it is Oliver's turn.  He had his own style, which looks to me like the breast stroke. He's a really cute 2 year old!

I have to put my two cents into the political scene, whether it will make any difference or not. In my opinion, if Trump loses, it will be his own fault. The people are clamoring after someone like him, who is  not a seasoned politician who snows the people then throws them down.

Does he not know that most people in these 'United' States are shocked at his New York ways of treating people. Even if the rest of us are not real thoughtful and kind ourselves, we expect those we look up to, to be.  But having said  that, I believe most of us would prefer someone who speaks his mind over someone who tells us everything we want to hear while having done just the opposite and not intending to keep his/her word.

What we have here is someone who says what he means harshly and someone who hasn't told the truth since ...wait a minute. There is no record I've seen that she has EVER told the truth. Now that is scary!

 Her team is saying we are haters, which is so very far from the truth. We are fearful of the haters. We have reason to be. They are not quiet about their intentions and they are rising up all over the world and bringing terror to all of us. We don't know when we will see their murderous outbursts in our own cities.

Where is common sense in the Democratic Party? They want to give us more and more of the same thing...heavy taxation and rhetoric, when it just isn't working. We cannot make these enemies love us by treating them nicely. They laugh at that while making their bombs and killing innocent people because we don't worship their god. And I don't want to hear about the crusades. We are not responsible for what those people back then did to anyone.  But we are responsible for what we do now. We cannot let our children and grandchildren down and give over to those who will slaughter them in the name of Allah.

Monday, August 1, 2016


It would be oh so easy to remove this man from the picture; but then, what would I do for a title. ;)

We were  out to celebrate Sali's husband's birthday early, but we had to take the opportunity for a group shot of ORU. After all, as we age, our group gets better and better. It's wisdom, piled on top of knowledge.

That is probably why the fellow behind the window was so anxious to get in the photo with us.