It is for group pictures like the one above that I must travel with a tripod. This time it caused me trouble. Since space was limited in the car on the way down, I packed a weekender and carried a makeup bag, my camera case and tripod separately. Then the night before we were to fly back I found out I had to pay for each bag I checked. Of course I had bought a few things while away and I had all that photography paraphernalia. It was too late to find another travel bag of any kind. I had to cram the tripod catty cornered into that small suitcase.
You should have seen me get on the plane with a very large plastic Eddy Bauer shopping bag knotted at the top and full of clothes. I still had to check two bags while wearing my camera like a necklace and looking like a bag lady. Now that is the picture I need!
In the layout above Teresa sits on her front porch wearing her tiara. She just doesn't want to take it off. It's more fun in that pretend world we have created.
Beautiful friends!