Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Supplements Galore

The Pandemic must be getting to me. I believe stress plays a big part in blood pressure. However my doctor, after trying all the types of medications for blood pressure on me found that I can take only the lowest dose of one and  the lowest dose of a water pill. So, now that is not enough, so she has told me  to watch my salt, which I have tried to do and I don't mind, because  I don't like much salt. But now, her only other answer is to lose weight.

Anyone reading this now, would gasp. Because of the pandemic, anyone who can afford to eat is eating too much. It is just what one does when penned up in the house all day, day after day. However, I am going  to diet.   But in addition my husband (Dr. Ron) insists that I take a lot of supplements which he believes will lower my blood pressure.  I do not have much faith in that claim,  but I'm doing it for him and I am hoping he is right.

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