Monday, September 23, 2013

Doggy Love

Maggie was my birthday present, but she is not a one person's dog. She is the family dog. She loves us both.  She likes all our friends too. She does have her favorite times of day, her  routines with each of us. Here  she is late morning with her 'daddy' after he has returned from the 'Y'.  She has had her lovey time with me and she is ready to play with him.

If humans could only love the way dogs do, this would be a better world.

Today has been a fruitful day. I feel quite happy to say that I've finally started the process of painting my albino deer. They have graced this yard for as long as I can remember, fading more and more each year. For at least 8 years now, I've intended to paint them. Today I bought paint and scrubbed them down. Now, if my art history pays well for me, I plan to paint them tomorrow to look like real deer. I'm truly hoping they will turn out that way. When I have finished painting and have moved them to their new places, I plan to make a layout of them.

I need to have projects to keep my mind off know... Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

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