Thursday, September 12, 2013

Is she really a Fairy?

Ashley enjoyed her first weekend adventure with Shakespeare so much that she was eager to do it again. This time she had the honor of being called onstage to show off fairy look. She really was a good example, thanks to her mom, Chelle.

As you know, as good as she looked... she was just dressed like a fairy, she couldn't fly, etc.

You can't tell a book by its cover.  Neither can you tell a man by what he says. Some have silver tongues that entice and enthrall and lure you to your doom. The only way you can know a man is by watching what he does daily. He can't say one thing to one group and the opposite to another group. He has to be lying at least one of those times.

I pray that in coming elections, people will not judge a candidate by what he promises, but by what he has done. I pray we will never again elect a man to high office because of his looks, but by what he has done...If he hasn't yet done anything to earn a high position, I pray he will not be elected.

There is an old saying  about promising the moon. It sounds good, but is not realistic. So we must watch out for those who say they'll give us everything we want.

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