Friday, April 3, 2015


It's really a stretch to call a walk around a local park trail a hike, but I like to think of it as hiking. This is the first time I've had Maggie out in the park...any park and I enjoyed seeing her greet everyone we met. Most were keeping their heart beats up and racing by, but they had big smiles for her.

I've spent way too much time today attempting to put text on a selection without it being upside down. I  KNOW there has to be a way, but it is escaping me. I've read everything I can find online and watched videos to no avail. I guess I'll have to find a 5 year old or a Photoshop Elements 13 Book for Dummies. I wonder if one has been written yet. I'll check online tomorrow if I don't figure it out.

I just realized I have enough pictures to make another 100 page book. I really need to speed up the process, but I thoroughly enjoy the creativity part. There is no rushing that.

This is good Friday, the anniversary of the day our Savior died on the cross for our sins, yours and mine. Looking forward to Sunday, when we can celebrate his resurrection from the grave.

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