Sunday, May 15, 2016

Cousins / Happy Together

It was nice that Beth's sister, Sara was able to take her children to CO the first week of May to see the new baby Julia and to help out a bit. Caleb and Oliver were very happy to see them.  It's wonderful when cousins are together enough to grow in love for each other. Katie and Patch have been very good  to Caleb and Oliver and now Julia as well. It is a shame they don't live closer to each other.

Family is a wonderful unit planned by God. It was such a great concept, that he used it to describe the way He wanted the church to be. He is the head of the church, our father, just as your dad is the head of your home.  It is a unit, united by a common love for each other.

One thing I've noticed as a Christian is that when a person of family is transferred to another  town or  state, they can find a church family wherever they go, plug in and feel at home there. It worked well for us first when we moved to Mt Vernon and then when we moved to Massachusetts. We've come 'home' to our congregation several times. God is good. His plan is perfect. He loves us and wants the best for us.

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