Saturday, March 31, 2018

Big Bear

When a 15 year old boy goes to NYC for the first time, it is a cool experience. This trip with Mason's high school choir was exceptionally well planned. they were there to perform, but he also got to see and do quite a bit. There are lots of good pictures, so why did I choose this one to be the first I show you? Well it is like this. The big bear just popped up and said to me, do a page.  So I did. I have included his schedule for the day on the layout, hoping it would explain where he was when It was taken. But, the only thing I came up with was NYC.  It was taken after he was to have gone to the hotel for the night. We can relax though, because his dad was with him and it wasn't that long after they were to leave for the hotel. And, of course, when I talk to him, I will bet he will be able to tell me where he found this big old bear. 

I'm still not up to snuff, as I heard quite a bit as a young child, living with 'southern' parents. Of course, I'm not sure it was a southern thing, but it certainly was a saying in the older generations.
I'm not exactly sure what it means, but I got the idea it meant you didn't feel well, but were not terribly sick. Guess I should look it up some time. Everything can be googled.

Looking forward to a better day tomorrow as we celebrate that our Lord is risen from the dead...

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