Monday, July 1, 2019

Our Beautiful Ashley

Ashley changed her hair to go with her new job. We think she looks fantastic. I have several pictures and all are good, but  I just got them  tonight and  haven't had time to put the others in a layout yet.

I played with this one for some time, but finally decided  I like this rendition best...I think, well maybe I'll change my mind later before I publish the book. In the meantime, I'm quite pleased with her new look and this layout.

I can't help but mention another subject. Tonight I was able to see our president on the Tucker Carlson show at 8:00.  We enjoyed the interview of the president by Tucker.

They were in the east for the G20 Conference, and while there they made a memorable trip to Korea, North Korea that is.

I wish everyone could have seen it like I did, nothing was deleted. It is easy to see why our president does well with people. He truly likes mankind and wants the best for all.

God Bless America.

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