You'll notice the
Denny is playing a ukulele. And I'll stretch that to music...it is quite a stretch and then on to American Idol.
Some of you know that is one of the three shows I watch. I don't know how much longer I will though. Heard today that they are actually thinking when Simon Cowell leaves they will hire Howard Stearn (yes, the Howard Stearn of foul mouthed infamy) to take his place. Evidently they do not want to keep the same audience the show has attracted up until now. What are they thinking? If they want a degenerate (look up the meaning if you must) show and it looks like that is the way they are heading with Ellen and some of the wild, crazy stars they showcased last year, then that is fine. Let them do that. But I think they need to come up with a second show for all the upstanding citizens who have supported American Idol all these years and made it as BIG as it is.
This country is turning more conservative with people being tired of the mess. They are standing up and being heard. Seems like a terrible time to push the show to the liberal side of the fence. Surely it would be a losing proposition for the sponsors. I will not watch H.S. and will boycott the sponsors. And certainly we don't want our children watching such trash. Did I make this plain enough?
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