Saturday, February 27, 2010

Volcanos and Earthquakes

If this hadn't been in a National Park, I would have been quite frightened to walk this path. Steam comes up constantly from the lava tube beneath the surface, formed by the lava flowing from the volcano to the coast where it spews into the ocean continuously adding hundreds of acres to the land mass of the Big Island.

I'm glad I've seen it, for it is something quite different from anything I've experienced before. But I'm happy I don't have to live near it.

It isn't a big jump from volcanoes to earthquakes...both 'acts of God'. The Bible speaks of many earthquakes in 'the last days'.

I only passed by a TV once today, but that was enough to see the banner, BREAKING NEWS, on the screen. It was being broadcast from Chile and the anchor woman was doing her best to be composed, but it was obvious she was shaken...and who wouldn't be. An 8.8 is a HUGE earthquake.

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