Our lives go so quickly, like the footprints. We are here and then we are gone. If we have found the right path, we'll go to our reward in heaven to spend eternity. But when we leave this life, we are truly gone, not to return again. In time, all memory will be washed away.
But, those of us who are scrapbookers are hoping to leave something for our families that will live beyond us and serve as a reminder that we were here...once upon a time.
Those who founded our nation are gone and some modern historians have tried to blot our remembrance of them and their causes. History is being rewritten day by day just like in the book 1984. Please study history as it is recorded in many books that have withstood years of review. Don't let anyone ruin your perspective, by altering records of what has happened to make this the great nation it has been. Stand up and stand firm. We are all in this together.
Have you read The Patriot's History of America yet? I just got it last week. It's a big book, but great!