Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pumpkins: Good For You

January 14, 2014 

I remember when I started scrapbooking. It was  with
paper and I had tons of boxes full of pictures that had
never been put in albums.  The worse thing was, they
were not in any order, mixed by years of people rum-
maging through them. It was quite a chore to get them
in some semblance of order. I set out shoeboxes on the
dining room table and commenced to shuffle them back
 and forth until I felt I could do no better. Looking back,
 I wish I had taken more time and studied the clues
 more carefully.  Anyway, I am again behind...even
 though it is just months behind, I'm feeling pressured
to catch up. We can't let things get  completely out of
 hand again.

I can hardly believe how fast 2013 went. Here are some
 pictures taken at a Pumpkin  farm in October. I dearly
love the bright clear colors of the sky and  of the pump-
kins. Primary colors. WOW. It was also fun to pPbe able
 to use my Lettering Delights alphabet: Harvest in a
unique way.

Seeing these pumpkins and thinking of pumpkin pies in
 season, it reminds me of a conversation that has been
 ongoing among us girls of the eating fads that are per-
vading the society now. It isn't so bad that people de-
cide they should or should not eat certain long
 as it isn't a burden on others...precisely others who are
 preparing party menus, for example.  We would prefer
those people to just keep it to themselves and even more
 important to not try to convert others to their oddity.

This was published recently by a  lady who went by
Audrey Ruth. It is excellent.

This is God's Word on the subject: "Now the Spirit ex-
pressly says that in later times some will depart from the
 faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and
teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars
whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and
 *require abstinence from foods that God created to be
received with thanksgiving* by those who believe and
know the truth. For everything created by God is good,
and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanks-
giving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer."
 I Timothy 4:1-5 // I hear a lot about the paleo diet, for ex-
ample, and it seems the great majority of people (even
-adherents) do not know it is based on the theory of evo-
lution. The vegan diet also denies the Word of God, as do
others - even the Hallelujah diet takes scripture out of

I was glad to see that pointed out so well.

Go and eat in peace, giving thanks to our lord.

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