Monday, January 12, 2015

Born To Be Wild

Surprise, Gail.  You have been one of my biggest supporters here at the blog. You have even pointed out errors that I would have expected my family members to find.

This is the only picture I have of you that was taken in recent years.  It certainly lends itself to the kind of page I wanted to have of you. Hope you enjoy it.

I remember when we first met, how many years ago? We have a mutual friend and her husband drove all of us to Lancaster, PA to the Sight and Sound Theater. I can't remember which play we saw, but I do remember us cutting up and having a lot of fun on the trip.

We were both Red Hatters, but you took it much more seriously than I, probably because you headed up a fantastic group. I would have liked to be one of your Red Hatters. You dressed to the hilt and did so many really fun things.

Like many of my other friends, you are now in the south, of course you will be back...and we do most of our visiting via the internet anyway.

Hope you are enjoying the sun, while I shovel snow. I shoveled a very heavy snow from the courtyard today.  Don't know how many more times I'll be able to do that. But I will try to keep OH in order until you can get home to help.

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