Saturday, November 10, 2018

On Lake Time

Well we still have to adjust our clocks like everyone else when Daylight Savings Time  comes around and when it goes away, but there is still a little bit of freedom here at the lakes...during boating season at least.  One of the best relaxers  I know is to just go out on the lake and forget what time it is...just relax.

This picture was taken 2 months ago. Oh what has happened  in that  time. It has gone from pleasantly warm to snowing. The biggest issue with me  is, the leaves have just started to fall...they are very late! There are lots of them all over the ground and we can't  get them up easily  while they are wet with snow.  Perhaps it will warm up some usually does...Indian summer. I hope that does happen this year or we may have leaves on the ground until spring.

It is always fun to take someone out on the boat who has not been at 'the lakes' before. It is a wonderful area to share with friends.

This time, Laura was here from Texas, visiting her sister and my friend Phyllis. It was a good day.

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