Monday, November 19, 2018

The Farm Meets Technology

I love the fact that  our grand children are familiar  with  the new technology info skills,  yet still make time for meaningful real life activities like sports and nature studies. I love the fact that they have been well schooled in farm life at Laughing Buck Farm School in their hometown.

We used to call that well rounded. Is that generally a thing of the past?

Since I don't know if one can read the message on the layout above on a cell phone, I'm copying it here: "Technology brings instagram to the farm. This picture, most likely taken with a cell phone, was sent to instagram  where we see the photographer up in the corner and a list of farm activities. We can show our approval and add a comment. What a  cool world it is when technology comes to the farm, but doesn’t interfere with all the natural fun the kids always have there.

On your right, Oliver interacts with a chicken at farm school."

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