Remember my motto (Guess I have more than one). If you take enough pictures, a few will be really good. That is the way I feel about this picture I took last week in Amish Country. I was down there twice in two days and rarely go more than once a year. It isn't because it is so far, but it isn't just down the street either. It is always relaxing to get away from the big city ways.
The Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch ( a German dialect) and we are known as the English, foreigners to their way of living, which is very simple. They came to this country from Switzerland in order to be free to worship as they wished. They adapted several ways that set them apart from 'the world'. They dress in a peculiar manner mostly in black and dark blue. The idea is to be plain and not stand out. They use only simple buttons, hook and eyes or straight pins to fasten clothing. They do not drive automobiles, or use electricity. Although they do produce their own energy with batteries or gas.
One thing that is interesting is their lack of care about their sons owning cars from age 16 to the age of 18 when they are expected to be baptized and soon marry. Never buy a car from an Amishman because they typically drive them 'hard' during that short time...REAL HARD.
My mother's mother who died when Mom was born was Pennsylvania Dutch and I wonder if she may have been of Amish heritage. I'll never know.
Actually, their life often appeals to me when I think about the troubles in this world today. I guess that is a good thing, because it might not be long until we will all live simply like that.
I really could learn to enjoy the lifestyle...but I'd miss my computer. However there is one drawback. The group that is trying to force all of us into a third world type existence want to drive God out of our lives as well. That is the part I can not do!
There is a very good article on the Amish in Wikepedia. All that I read of it was accurate.
Back to the picture: On Thursday when I went to Sugar Creek and beyond with my girlfriends, I quickly snapped this picture as we were entering an Amish grocery to buy Sali's husband his favorite cheese. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out so well.
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