Monday, February 1, 2016

False Alarm

Yes, I am hard up for layouts!  I had planned to do a lot of layouts today, but I got myself side-tracked organizing my files. I do love to be organized., but it's a losing battle around here. However, it should be easy to organize my files, because I'm the only one who uses them. I decided this morning that the way I had some of my things arranged was not right. But after fiddling with them all day, I've decided they would have been better left alone. 

Because of that endeavor, I didn't do any layouts all day. So here is what I have for my next book. It happened in November.  Imagine this, we were sound asleep around 3:00 AM. The alarm sounded and we  got a phone call. It is really funny what adrenaline will do for a person at a time like that. We sprung from our bed at full attention. We were able to see by checking the system that it was the high water alarm.  It wasn't raining. There really wasn't any reason for high water, so we went back to sleep knowing it had been a false alarm. 

The next day, Ron had to pull the sensor out of the septic well, and replace it when he was not able to fix it.  Boy, the things he has learned since he retired.

Maggie watched him from the screened porch, since we cannot allow her to go free while he is working. She is a roamer and we are too close to the road and the lake.

Interesting results in Iowa tonight.  I would have liked to see Dr. Ben Carson come out on top, but didn't expect that to happen. Am happy that Cruz and Marco Rubio did as well as they did.

Really can't get excited about Hillary or Bernie. One is as bad as the other.

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