Thursday, August 16, 2018

Junior Year

The triplets are back in school already.  It seems like summer vacation just started. However that is the prospective of an old lady, whose days go by like a wink and weeks are like our days used to be. However, I remember being in school and seeing the summer months rush by too quickly.

The triplets did have a full summer. They covered the map pretty well  from Tennessee to Ohio, to Illinois and back to Tennessee before a trip to Florida. Aussie transcended that schedule by crowding in a trip to Utah. Yes, they've had a busy summer.

Now it is time to hit the books and I think they will be hitting them hard. It is junior year. Just  two more years to prepare for college. They are ready to tackle those books, make those reports and handle all the projects that come their way.

Your  gramma and grampa in Ohio are cheering you on to victory. Go for the gold!

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