Monday, June 20, 2011

Barberton Chicken

Although this picture  of me is not flattering, I just had to use it to tell you a story. It is about Barberton chicken dinners and I'm not likely to repeat the same mistake again by going to this chicken 'house'  or ordering this excessively large dinner. (It is actually called a regular dinner, not one of their large menu items.)

I'm not sure how they would  fit a 'large' plate on the table even if they came up with a crane strong enough to transport it from the kitchen.  As you can see, this regular size has enough food for a family.

 Barberton chicken is a very popular meal around this area.  Ron and I have to eat this greasy chicken occasionally, usually at Belgrade Gardens. But this time we went to Hopocan Gardens. 

You can find out all about this local fare on Wikipedia: 

In addition to Barberton Chicken there are many types of chickens including assorted Bantams, Assorted Polish, the Australorp, Plymouth Rock, and rarer breeds like the Buckeye, the Easter Egger,  Naked Neck, and on and on.  But the one that leaves the most fowl taste in my mouth is the Chicken Livered Republican who can't stand his ground against the liberal Democrats in our government. For some unknown reason, this type of chicken is hatched without a spine.  If your representative displays these symptoms, do all you can support his back at all times.  He or she needs you and so do we.

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