Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Daddy's Old Toys

While Caleb was here  Papa hauled a big box of John's old toys over from the garage for Caleb.  It was a lot of fun seeing him pull out each plaything, inspect it and try to 'operate' it.  They've been in storage for close to 30 years. But it didn't matter to Caleb that they were old and even dirty.  

 I'm glad that Ron knew what was in that garage and thought about bringing in the box.  I was still trying to find a coffee can to make a drum.  Hmmm maybe that was his incentive.  These toys were much quieter.

I always plan ahead things to do and when the time  comes, I'm so busy just loving the kids that all thoughts of toys, games, crafts just vanish from my head.  I think before our next one visits here, I'll send a list of things to his/her mom to remind me while visiting.   

Again, a reminder ... click the picture to enlarge it.

Revisiting these old things bring back wonderful memories for me of John as a little fellow. 

Likewise, revisiting the Bush years with that horrible 5.4 % unemployment that was the worst since the great depression brings back memories... Hmmmm.  What is that rate now? Is it 9.2?  Well over the United States it was at the end of last month.  But if you check state by state, there is a big difference in the states with Democrat governors and those with Republican governors.  Are the Republican states just luckier?  What do you think?

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