Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Faces of Ashley

Ashley shows her various expressions to the camera.  I hope she never becomes too self conscious and serious about herself to just be natural and have fun like this. But that day could come.  We will see and love her no matter what.

 Since her dad writes and produces plays, I imagine the time will come when she has a part  in one...and I'll bet she'll do well.  We'll see about that one as well.  Only time will answer all the questions we have now.

Only time will tell if we are able to rescue this country from the grips of a liberal body set on taking us down a few notches so that we'll no longer be a superior nation, but one equal with Europe or even worse, like the third world.   Our founding fathers knew that type of thing could happen and planned a government with a balance of powers to prevent it. We must get back to the Constitution and its principles.

 And even more important, those of us who believe in God need to  turn back to Him, rely on Him, and trust in Him to bring us out of this subjection.  Remember, in this country it is the people who are to be making the decisions through our representatives... not egotistical freedom grabbing despots.

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